General Discussion

General Discussionmy journey toward 1/2 games-commend ratio

my journey toward 1/2 games-commend ratio in General Discussion
👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

    im 2/3 way there :D

    honestly i dont care about winning and score that match, i care about commends, because that indicates me that there is atleast someone, even a single one out of those 9 other players i played with, that had fun playing with me, which in my opinion that the most important aspect of a sport, so my goal is to make people having fun, that commends indicates to me that i wasnt for the particular commender a bad match-mate ♥


      But you usually get commended if you help your team to win :thinking:

      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        yea if i help. thats mean i help usually

        also i had a game where i got 6 commends from a lose, all my team commended me and 2 guys on the other team, one cus i helped his quest after the game was lost, and the second was just nice, he said he enjoed playing against me and commended me


          "recommend me guys will recommend back"

          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            why do you ask for commends?

            seems counter intuitive to the point of ccommendations


              >say nothing
              >win game
              >say gg
              >get commends


                >afk farm
                >hit tower
                >destroy enemy ancient
                >pro tb

                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  nah usually im really talkative, i want to communicate a much as i can, and trying to strategies it, and if my team doesnt feel obligated to follow a random support pubber at 1k mmr leadership, than i back down and trying to cooperate with them, asking them what they want to do and help them

                  im far from "say nothing"


                    Ha you're the guy who asked why everyone wants to play carry? You seem to be a very good guy. Or was it another one? Idk

                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      well yea I asked what was the satisfying factor in playing core heroes indeed

                      I think I got it though, it quiet nice to feel a flow of progression with items and levels, and being the factor for objectives, you feel like you carrying the game on your shoulder

                      and I'm happy to see you assume I'm good :D

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        Man I wish I can play with you
                        Too bad we play on a different region


                          swap commend. ez commends

                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            🅱ws you probably dont want to, you almost 4k mmr i believe we have a big gap in our skill level

                            what do you mean by "swap commends"?

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              Nvm he's a trash bin




                                  i want to communicate a much as i can

                                  When I try to communicate with my teammates, either they dont anwser, either they start insulting for no reason.

                                  Dota 2 Chat is cancerous

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    Well i don't see that that's often, there are people that insult, but most of the players are just as ys, want to play and have fun

                                    I think you askew a bit your look at the number of people communicating vs people who aren't because you usually get frustrated when they don't, and when they do it's being taken for granted, so you'll usually remember more clearly those who don't than those who do


                                      i say swap commends but i never do. lol.

                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                        Than what the point of my goal? That wouldn't go against what I'm trying to achieve by myself, this goal is exclusively egoistic, who else care about my commends? Why would I get than high results that aren't reflective to what i want to prove to myself?


                                          *play pos 4 heroes(es,es, slard, clock,etc)
                                          *say GLHF
                                          *gank all the time
                                          *stack for your cores
                                          *get highest kill participation in game
                                          =ez commends.
                                          Well getting commends is way easier than gaining mmr.

                                          Freya 69

                                            The secret is to offend everyone all game and you are likely to get 'accidental' commends instead of reports.

                                            Step up the radiation you emit for ez commend!


                                              ^hahaha, i always misclick commend instead of report when i was about to report someone

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                Play dazzle, man.

                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                  Freya 69 well that one way to get there :)

                                                  RPQ-sama well honestly beside cm and vs didn't really find the appeal in playing those squishy ranged heroes, I find the most fun those tanky in-your-face supports such as slardar or treant


                                                    I have 1:1 ratio simply by saying swap commends after every game... people dont give something without getting something in return

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      I have 1:1 ratio simply by saying swap commends after every game... people dont give something without getting something in return

                                                      Kind of true, SOMETIMES. But more to the point, you receive a commend FOR SOMETHING. For being a nice teammate. Like, last game my wisp got a commend not because he says he's gonna commend me, but because he supported me really nicely.


                                                        Yeah sure ... I mean u dont feed and flame and expect to get commended just by saying you'll swap... but if you play well people sometimes tend to forget about commending cuz they just load into their next game... but when you tell them youll commend them back they will remember to commend you not only because you played well..but also cuz theyll get commended in return

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                          but that defeat the whole purpose i try to achieve with the commends :/


                                                            Pretty sure i got more comment from swap commend tactic than playing good

                                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                              why do you ask for commends? i still not getting it, that counter intuitive to the idea behind it


                                                                Asking for commends is the way to get commends. And it's for ppl who actually care about getting more. So. If u don't see the point don't ask for it. Simple.


                                                                  If you play good or unselfishly, you will get commends even if you dont ask them for commends

                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    fite me


                                                                      Boiiiiii how he do dat

                                                                      Giff me Wingman
