General Discussion

General DiscussionBeen playing Dota for few years, and I like to write poems and storie...

Been playing Dota for few years, and I like to write poems and stories, AMA in General Discussion

    Ask me anything, I'll answer as truthfully as possible. If you have doubts about the truthfulness you might want to council Aimstrong for a conformation. I won't answer anything that would give out too much of my personal life though, I don't want the Internet to connect this account to my real self.

    It's Friday and we're all bored, don't act like you can't think of a question.

    Riguma Borusu
      Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

        I'm neither a bundle of sticks, nor would I describe myself as homosexual, as I never had sexual tendencies towards the same sex.


          What is the meaning of life?


            will there be life if there is no death , will there ever be hope if there is no disappear?
            is merciful killing right ?
            if there is an evil that justice cant defeat , will you choose to be a greater evil to defeat it or will you let it rule over you ?
            if i told you that i am liar , am i liar or not ?



              'DOta state of mind'

              Load of bs hides my meaningfull thee,
              Across the flow of shitstorm and lh/deny,
              Through fire of fight and defense of most sacred of all....
              ...for 10.99€ you get full poem and chance to get impossible to get drop.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                Warum tritt de didier burkhalter zruck


                  write me a poem about sand king, though make it reddit front page material level

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    kitty, i have a question for u!!

                    since when do u know aimstrong? is he single? do u think im hot? do u think there are any chances for me? what is it like to live with aimstrong? what are ur hobbies? what connects u to him? why are u friends?


                      What is the meaning of life?

                      will there be life if there is no death , will there ever be hope if there is no disappear?

                      In my opinion, there can't be darkness without light and vice versa. True immortality cannot be achieved. So no.

                      is merciful killing right ?

                      I think so. I'd rather die a quick death than live in agony.

                      if there is an evil that justice cant defeat , will you choose to be a greater evil to defeat it or will you let it rule over you ?

                      Evil will always have the overhand over righteousness, simply because it's easier to be evil. So there always will be evil in the world lurking that will never face justice in it's lifetime. Furthermore is "evil" subjective, which means that I wouldn't know that I actually am the greater evil in any scenario, since my way will be the right one, subjectively.

                      if i told you that i am liar , am i liar or not ?

                      I'd think that you're an honest person, but you are, in fact, a liar. If your statement is true, you're not lying, but you're admitting to being a liar. If not, you're lying to me which makes your statement true once again.

                      I did enjoy these, thanks!

                      'DOta state of mind'

                      Is this supposed to be a Nas reference?

                      for 10.99€ you get full poem and chance to get impossible to get drop.

                      No thanks, but thank you for the offer, it seems to be fairly priced.

                      Warum tritt de didier burkhalter zruck

                      Allegedly, he has his personal reasons and "wants to do something new".
                      I'm assuming that he wants to spend more time with his family, or have more time for himself because being the head of a state must be an incredibly stressful task.

                      write me a poem about sand king, though make it reddit front page material level

                      In the depths of the jungle
                      there lies arachnid trouble
                      dashing form camp to camp
                      using Sand Storm if at hand
                      dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
                      dun dun dun dundun
                      dun dundundun dun dun dun
                      dun dun dun dundun dundun


                        since when do u know aimstrong?

                        For nearly 4 years know.

                        is he single?


                        do u think im hot?

                        I don't think that I've ever seen your face, but your voice is alright I guess.

                        do u think there are any chances for me?

                        With Aimstrong? No.
                        But I'm sure that there is a guy out there who will love you for who you are.

                        what is it like to live with aimstrong?

                        We don't live together.... yet

                        what are ur hobbies?

                        I'd say listening to music, playing vidya, reading and basketball are my main hobbies. That's what I have on my resume anyway.

                        what connects u to him?

                        Our deep friendship.

                        why are u friends?

                        We were forced to interact with each other I guess.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                        all role player

                          dota op hero?
                          do you play dota or dota play you ?
                          if your memory of dota loss and you start playing like first time do you sill play dota for few years?
                          do you regret playing dota?
                          ass or tits?


                            if there is an evil that justice cant defeat , will you choose to be a greater evil to defeat it or will you let it rule over you ?

                            >Evil will always have the overhand over righteousness, simply because it's easier to be evil. So there always will be evil in the world lurking that will never face justice in it's lifetime. Furthermore is "evil" subjective, which means that I wouldn't know that I actually am the greater evil in any scenario, since my way will be the right one, subjectively.

                            very interesting answer , the trick behind that question is no matter what is the answer evil will always win

                            my personal answer is : there is no such evil that cant be defeated , there can be evil that the current shape/state of justice (for example:law) can defeat but ultimately it will be defeated by means that we human might not know (what we might call : karma)

                            next :
                            dark one:when a man is a brain dead , clinically alive , is it right to stop supplying him which will lead to his death knowing that he will never come back to our world ?

                            more of a puzzle:two men X and Y hate each other , they both are king's men , Y is known for being rightful and just.
                            while dining with the king X asked Y , our king may order one of our soldiers to execute a man that the executioner don't know if he is innocent or not should the soldier obey our king's orders mindlessly or not ?
                            what is Y's best possible answer?

                            what is the source of our laws , the righteousness or the fear (for example : we shall never steal from each other comparing to i am afraid that someone might steal from me)


                              are u sexually active?


                                dota op hero?

                                At the moment probably Troll. I feel like usually the game is balanced and you have yourself to blame in the end.

                                do you play dota or dota play you ?

                                Dota plays you for sure.

                                if your memory of dota loss and you start playing like first time do you sill play dota for few years?

                                I don't think so. The only reason I played for as long as I did/do, is because I had friends to play with. I think I've changed as person over the time, so that I simply couldn't have the patience that is needed to learn the essentials of Dota as of now.

                                do you regret playing dota?

                                No, I don't. I've had tons of fun over the years, lots to talk about, and in the end it's just another hobby. But, at the same time, I'm not really proud to see nearly 1500 hours logged in Steam, but I guess that's just because it's actually displayed. I've probably spend more time reading/studying than playing Dota, just that i have no way to measure how much time I've spend being "productive".

                                ass or tits?

                                Ass if I'd have to choose. But I notice entirely different things first.


                                  what is your connection to aimstorng


                                    are u sexually active?

                                    No, not at all. I haven't even masturbated in months.


                                      kitty dodging all the good questions


                                        what is your connection to aimstorng

                                        We are BFFs

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          whats the bottom price ud suck a dick for?


                                            We are BFFs

                                            i meant like, were you going to school together or you know each other personally at least? i always had you two connected for some reason


                                              dunno about kitty but i'd pay u to let me suck ur dick )

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                whats the bottom price ud suck a dick for?

                                                Depends on the dick to be honest. But let's say it's the average European dick; in that case I'd do it for 100'000 Swiss francs.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                me, government hooker

                                                  the fuck
                                                  id get on my knees for 100euros even


                                                    i meant like, were you going to school together or you know each other personally at least? i always had you two connected for some reason

                                                    This kinda cuts close to the personal life I mentioned at the start. But yes we do know each other personally, we did the same apprenticeship at the same place together. Yesterday we went to the cinema and ate together.


                                                      kitty dodging all the good questions

                                                      It's kinda hard to keep up, but I like this. It's fun!


                                                        u a couple boys?


                                                          do you believe that i can get 7k like ywn


                                                            u a couple boys?



                                                              do you believe that i can get 7k like ywn

                                                              In all honesty. I believe that there is a mental barrier that you put upon yourself, and that you'd have to work on. Maybe it's even a mental disorder, which is deeply rooted within you, where you'd need actual therapy or medicine to get rid of. But I don't know you on a personal level, just from your rants that you post here, and a little bit through your playstyle.
                                                              If you could get rid of it, why not? I think that 7k is still reachable by dedication alone, and you do have the talent and intelligence to go with it.

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                i believe u can get 5k like coikke!


                                                                  dark one:when a man is a brain dead , clinically alive , is it right to stop supplying him which will lead to his death knowing that he will never come back to our world ?

                                                                  Ultimately, we don't have the right to take live away, no matter what. But at the same time, we are just supplying his (dead) body with nutrients to keep the boat floating. So I'd vouch for the same answer I gave before; Rather die, than live in agony.

                                                                  more of a puzzle:two men X and Y hate each other , they both are king's men , Y is known for being rightful and just.
                                                                  while dining with the king X asked Y , our king may order one of our soldiers to execute a man that the executioner don't know if he is innocent or not should the soldier obey our king's orders mindlessly or not ?
                                                                  what is Y's best possible answer?

                                                                  I think I'm misinterpreting this one. I'd say he should obey the king, because first of all, the king is the ultimate authority. Second: I'd have to assume that by disobeying, the soldier would risk his own life. So he should put his own life above others.
                                                                  I feel like the deeper rooting of this question would answer my opinion about religion...

                                                                  what is the source of our laws , the righteousness or the fear (for example : we shall never steal from each other comparing to i am afraid that someone might steal from me)

                                                                  I'd say it's the philosophy of treating others how you'd like to be treated. Which was probably thought of as soon as intelligence, in any form, emerged. So a bit of both I guess.


                                                                    why do u use proper poucntiuation on teh itnernet?


                                                                      why do u use proper poucntiuation on teh itnernet?

                                                                      I usually don't. But I thought about archiving this thread for my own sake. Also it forces me into thinking about what I'm actually writing, and people I've chatted with casually may confirm, that I am notoriously good at forgetting key words while typing blindly.


                                                                        oh, is this one of those "see how my answers will change in 10 years" threads?


                                                                          actually i rly thought of doign something similar but im too retarded to come up with decent questions


                                                                            why do you eu dotabuff ppl all have that flashing red eyes shit in your profile pictures


                                                                              actually i rly thought of doign something similar but im too retarded to come up with decent questions

                                                                              That's why I'm asking you.

                                                                              why do you eu dotabuff ppl all have that flashing red eyes shit in your profile pictures

                                                                              It originally started out as a meme on instagramm.
                                                                              One day Aimstrong decided to edit his profile picture, because he thought of the memes as being humorous. In his boredom, and after learning how easy it actually was to make these edits, he decided to edit a handful of the profile pictures of users in the ayy lmao thread. That was like two weeks ago. Since than he has gotten requests from pretty much every frequent ayy lmao visitor.


                                                                                Ask me anything. But not anything.


                                                                                  Ask me anything. But not anything.

                                                                                  Ay! Go and make your own thread!


                                                                                    That was meant as a poke at you op.


                                                                                      Who are you btw?


                                                                                        ok tbh that king question is hard to answer so
                                                                                        this is actually a true story , Y realized that the question is trap and choosing either answer will lead to him either being executed because he state that soldiers don't always have to follow the king or he will lose people trust because he approves killing the innocents , so he answers as following : X , do our king order us to do the good deeds and justice or the bad deeds and injustice . X had to answer : of course..of course our king order with the good deeds , so Y said : then do the good deed whenever you are ordered to do where it should be done and don't ask me about it :) .


                                                                                          Who are you btw?

                                                                                          People call me kitty here. I'm just a boy trying to stay out of trouble, in the everyday struggle.
                                                                                          And you still can ask anything, I just might decide not to answer it.


                                                                                            @The Rider

                                                                                            Yeah I figured that it's a bit of a trick question, but I'll keep that one on my mind, it might be good late night conversation starter.

                                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                              kitty, i have a question for u!!
                                                                                              since when do u know aimstrong? is he single? do u think im hot? do u think there are any chances for me? what is it like to live with aimstrong? what are ur hobbies? what connects u to him? why are u friends?


                                                                                                I've already answered all of these.


                                                                                                  is he single? do u think im hot? do u think there are any chances for me? what is it like to live with aimstrong? what are ur hobbies?


                                                                                                    why are u friends?


                                                                                                      also resume hobbies != real hobbies sir


                                                                                                        would u rather
                                                                                                        Constantly be smelling poop that nobody else can smell
                                                                                                        Smell like poop and not know it

                                                                                                        would u rather
                                                                                                        Have taste buds on your butthole
                                                                                                        Poop through your mouth

                                                                                                        would you rather
                                                                                                        Always have to say everything on my mind
                                                                                                        Never be able to speak again