General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker feels very underwelming

Invoker feels very underwelming in General Discussion

    He is the most well-designed hero in the game. Most of his useful stuff is unreliable(except cold snap and alacrity) forge spirit and tornado needs lvl15 and lvl25 to be good. Dear Mr. Frog, place his 25 talent at 20, and give him some boring shit like 20 armor or 15 all stats at 25.


      Seriously tho, he comes online so late, and he is that great late(he needs agh's and blink in a full 6 slot)


        Invoker doesn't need a buff.

        It's a balanced hero.


          vokers fine


            hahahahahaaaaaaay , dude that's a great joke you made

            on serious note the hero is utterly broken in the right hands and trash can in the wrong one, the only thing that hold him back is his skill ceiling , the problem with buffing invoker is (now:good invoker is cancer to play against and single handed carry the game and change the tide of TFs , after: even half-ass invokers are now like legends among men with just the basic understanding)




                i ban invoker everysingle game cuz he's broken yet u tell me that he need more buffs, and make his talent 25 at 20 dude do u understand what are u asking for ?? cuz i dont think the devs are this stupid to givu the ability to tornado the shit out of people every single second .....


                  The only thing that ok is swap lv10 talent with lv15 talent

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  주 롄양

                    Then all ppl would take +30%exp instead


                      If you take exp talent as invoker . Youre playing the hero wrong !


                        that early the xp talent would be more than worth it lmao

                        Potato Marshal

                          +30xp at level 10 would be really overpowered for a lot of supports, but it would just be completely broken on a hero that gains levels so quickly like Invoker.


                            He's not broken nor is he underwhelming, he's balanced.


                              He is extremely underwhelming at the hands of noobs


                                Yes he's has a high learning curve and is extremely useless if not played at least to a semi disent level, lucky there are 100+ other heros to play if one isn't inclined to spend the time in learn how to invoker

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  Is has the tendency to feel underwhelming if you are used to more active heroes earlier on. Also, likely that u are not good at the hero.

                                  Player 215168758

                                    I hates PA personally because I'm an unlucky guy. even if my networth is 1.5x higher or more than her + MKB, I'll just dead to double crits before landing any right click on her

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      HAVE U EVER SEEN THAT FUCKING TORNADO SPAM??

                                      BUFF THAT? U FUCKIN SERIOUS?


                                        Invoker was fine about 6 nerfs ago. He is still a good hero but his utility and power have been seriously curbed. He's far more one-dimensional now than he was. He didn't need any of the masses of nerfs he received. If the hero requires skill it SHOULD be stronger than those that don't require skill. Being a little stronger is fine if its a skill hero. Its like people who whine constantly about pudge power and keep getting him nerfed. Its always low shit-tier players who are too bad and too dumb to know that they need to learn to admit they aren't good.

                                        Look at all these shit-tier players thinking they get to talk about balance in this thread. No, 6 nerfs ago he wasn't broken. Yes I am well aware of how the top people owned with him. He is one of my best heros. Us upper .1% people do not think like you people do down there. You need to realize this. Your ideas are bad and wrong. Your thoughts are bad and wrong. Its why you people stay permanently down there confused as to why you can't ever get any higher while its completely fuckin obvious to us why you're there and why you DESERVE to be there. Dunning Kruger people. Dunning. Fucking. Kruger. That's right; all of you excuse-makers.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          invoker was broken 6 patches ago , the hero was cancer even in 7+ k games who also have skill , after six nerfs he is now a decent mid , a great teamfighter ,ok pusher , nice roshan potential and global pressure throughout the game an still being picked by every pro team

                                          do you even imagine what was he before these nerfs , try watching miracle invoker to know what is the full potential of this hero

                                          meteor hammer

                                            buff invoker please guys! thanks


                                              Invoker isn't underwhelming. What is underwhelming is player's ability to farm with him, understanding what items to get, and when to cast what spells (ie. Not trying to Tornado + EMP + CM + DB BKB'ed heroes). Get gud and he wont feel so bad.


                                                R u stupid?

                                                Invoker is one of the most well-balanced heroes in the game. And the Lvl 25 talent tree is not 20 armour and 15 all stats, it's AoE deafening blast or -18 sec tornado cooldown which -18 sec tornado cd is obviously better. Honestly, his Lvl 25 -18 sec tornado cooldown is one of the most broken things in the game IMO.


                                                  Invoker is an awful hero I ban him in solo queue specifically so my team doesn't choose him.

                                                    Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                      SEE OTHER HEROES TALENT LIKE SVEN AM SPEC ETC ETC.

                                                      COMPARED TO THEM INVOKER IS PERFECTLY BALANCE


                                                      I MISS THOSE DAYS WHEN LV8 = 2 FORGE SPIRIT


                                                        46.8%winrate 5k+ good hero

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          Why is aoe d-blast higher winrate than -tornado cd?
                                                          Don't tell me when you don't have to defend high ground with -tornado cd, you most likely won.


                                                            Aoe blast is obviously better than tornado cd reduction


                                                              BcoZ u disarm 5 ppl+units in aoe while -tornado only disarm 1ppl
                                                              Don forget there are also knockback duration

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                Then why does everyone choose -tornado cd? Honestly tornado cd feels much better as well. Think about it, usually where is only 1-2 right clicker on each team what's the point of disarming everyone?


                                                                  Whats the point of spamming tornado non stop when you can spam all skill with ovta core at level 25?

                                                                  Fee Too Pee


                                                                    Huskar have +50 winrate in 5k. Is he good? No, he is fucking trash atm. Fuck off with winrate logic. Stop trying to buff a well balancrd hero already. Invoker is a beast at late game and untouchable


                                                                      BcoZ everyone love to rightclick ppl

                                                                      Im talking about 5++ core in sea btw

                                                                      And didn't I said about knockback? U cant move while u're knockbacked but ucan still use ur skill and items, but again, it's all about cast range

                                                                      Tornado ghostwall can control creepwave too
                                                                      But ye i never take the aoe db talent now cuz u farm fast with -tornado and u can giv ur team free moonshard for ez commends

                                                                      I only take aoe db on special cases

                                                                      Like when they aim me so hard

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                        UntouchABLE? Nah man u just dont knoe how to handle invoker. Or perhaps are you the one who always get caught by sunstrike or run into tornado?


                                                                          Invoker is fine as it is, if you want to buff him tho just make forge +1 into lv10 talent hahahaha!


                                                                            Yes plz this 15dmg/125 hp is fucking useless!!

                                                                            Fee Too Pee

                                                                              Sorry for misunderstanding. What i mean is invoker late game is like AM. U must commit so many spells to catch , his mobility and ability to kite is so ridicilously high


                                                                                ^that is yes especially when u got linken and bkb eul really hard to catch
                                                                                But again that depend on u and ur team if u can predict invoker's next move, he cant do shit

                                                                                This match for example: axe just jump on invoker and i set ss he died so easy lul.


                                                                                  Invoker is fine, i will never get use to his new tornado hitxbox :<


                                                                                    He's fine

                                                                                    all role player

                                                                                      the only buff invoker is only switch talent 15 to 10
                                                                                      or make his mana more than his hp
                                                                                      AND MAKE FVCKING MIDAS LIKE BEFORE