General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease go ahead and explain how I could have possibly won this game

Please go ahead and explain how I could have possibly won this game in General Discussion
Lahai Roi

    Boosters win 95% of games including the "unwinnable" ones right?
    Well please explain how I could have won this. I legit have no fucking clue.

    I was QoP

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        Don't die 7 times


          the "every game is winnable" only applies to ranked matches. can't help it when players just leave

          white boy summer

            qop is unreliable for closing the game


              it was am his first game rofl


                There are no unwinnable games if you are the perfect dota player. We are a normal dota player so it's normal to lose hard games.

                The perfect dota player would have stomp so hard that leaver doesn't matters. And if there are too much leavers, the perfect dota player can play 5 heroes at the same times and win. And if there are feeders, the perfect dota player can use his social and teaching skills to turn them into full tryhard.

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                Lahai Roi

                  But leavers make games easier to win because you get more passive gold.

                  casual gamer

                    social skills are useful. teaching skills are not

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      And if there are feeders, the perfect dota player can use his social and teaching skills to turn them into full tryhard.

                      meteor hammer

                        ur gpm is acceptable but paradoxically ur item timings are garbage



                          I don't means teaching someone so that he learns how to become a pro player and carry you before the end of the game. I mean teaching someone so that he doesn't lose you the game. But yeah, I guess it's 99% of the time a waste of time (but... if you are the perfect dota player...).

                          Lahai Roi

                            I was so focused on playing I kind of stopped paying attention to my current gold.
                            Also the courier died which wasted 2 minutes on top of the 3 minutes that were wasted in getting the linkin's.

                            Were the items that I bought good?


                              The item choices weren't bad, the problem was you picked a hero that can't really do everything in a game where you're in normal mode and had a leaver. The only real way you're in an advantage with a leaver vs a team where they have kind of countered you (I'm assuming you picked early and didn't pick qop into a BS/Viper) is when you have a pick like Broodmother or SF or TA, etc. A hero that can fight, push, maintain their own lanes against multiple opponents, all while farming at fast speeds is the ideal pick if you want to play with "booster" mentalities. QoP can't really push objectives so she's a very weak pick in a sub-optimal team setting. Also until you have linkens, BS and Viper just melt you and it means you can't do much against them as a group.

                              Lahai Roi


                                I first picked QoP. The only reason I am picking her a lot is because she is a meta hero. The other hero I am using is Lina. Do you think she would be better or should I be picking completely different heroes?
                                I always first pick. I don't care if people counter me. I want to ensure that I am practicing the heroes I want and going to the lane I want.


                                  Boosters snowball every advantage from minute 1. When they snowball they make the enemy fall very far behind. So the situation where u get feeding teammates is much less likely to happen. These games u call unwinnable don't happen because they don't allow to happen just by being so good at Dota.


                                    Even if someone leaves they have a good chance of winning


                                      the best way to stop feeding is to prevent it from happening, meaning if you snowballed your lane, your teammates would've never gotten the chance to feed.


                                        Stop being bad and you could have won that game.


                                          Boosters/Smurf aren't made of some special material, they're just good at this game compared to lower-skilled dudes.

                                          Actually I think JFD8 is right. The best way to win against Smurfs/Boosters would be:

                                          1. Gather as 5 push, but push ASAP. Lead your team, don't flame them for anything and try to be as positive as you could possibly be.

                                          2. Never give up, force yourself to believe it's possible to win even with Mega-Creeps.

                                          3. Whatever I say to you it's literally irrelevant at the end of the day. And same goes for anyone on this forum. The best advice could be given to you would be learn to communicate efficiently and learn how NOT to tilt. Leading your team would be really important. Also getting mid/good comfortable hero would help aswell.

                                          Weirdly enough I've meet a booster in my last game, he's Meepo spamer. I tried to lead my team and be positive, and we won.


                                          Hope I helped.

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