General Discussion

General DiscussionWeaver itemization

Weaver itemization in General Discussion

    Boots or no boots
    Skadi over heart?
    What to build with and without linkens? Is dlance still good?

    Lahai Roi


      casual gamer

        no boots

        eventually pikes core on weaver the bugs give flying vision

        bug+pikes insanely strong imo and if people elect to skip ghost glimmer you will continue oneshotting them from complete safety

        skadi and heart do the same shit. sometimes the regen is better or ur getting skadi to slow ls ursa but usually id rather have skadi.

        not an item id get before deso/dif + pike + linken + bthorn maybe (+bkb) either way

        when i played this hero i went aqila raindrop wand pers+lance into deso into linken/pike into pike/linken every game very strong hero and fun viable any lane but 1v3 imo


          shadow blade-dagon-arc boots.


            Is linkens rush always bad? For example this game
            I know the only way they could kill me is with wr shackle and maybe pudge dismember. So is my decision good since i would be unkillable with linkens


              I've nv actually thought of playing weaver with pike n swarm that way


                I would say linkrn rush ghat game was unnecessary.


                  ^ why i wasnt going to play pu$$y weaver anyway. I dove t3 when their t2 is still up since they could not kill me. How about in non linkens game you get an extra bottle instead of perseverance


                    It delays your dmg items a lot. I wouldn't rush it against a pudge wind ranger since it's possible to play around their spells unless wr got some insane blink timing and is raping your ass from min 12.

                    You delay your power spike by a lot which an item like deso gives. Also if u need to spam, just get perseverance


                      You might rush it if the game pace is slower, or you're Super farmed don't really need the dmg/ won't delay your items with it, or if there's heroes like bane bat or LC around.


                        Maybe you should go for mjollnir and mkb after linken


                          What if there are no spell to block so i think bottle is better to sustain or is aquila clarity and raindrop is enough

                          Dire Wolf

                            Don't skip boots please. Treads are a ton of attack speed which matters a lot early cus you max germ attack last. Also you can't always be moving with suchki. And ten agility for the price isn't much.

                            Don't rush linkens but preservance for regen is fine. I usually do lane Aquila treads perseverance deso finish linkens. Then it's either dadulus mkb or butterfly.


                              treads is okay. bootless is also ok tbh.


                                i think the only time i rushed linkens was with a drow on my team. Your damage just suffers so heavily if you rush linkens.

                                casual gamer

                                  Don't skip boots please. Treads are a ton of attack speed which matters a lot

                                  so wrong gross

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    no boots, skadi, dlance deso is good, u can get an early pers and go for linkens later if you need it


                                      Boots phase boots/blight stone, dragon lance deso, bkb, dragonupgr crits/mkb

                                      you can add an aquilla/wand if you want/need to

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        I think Linken is shit early. gives you survivibility you dont need, because in middle of a team fight it still wont save u, and in skirmishes you still lack damage. I'd rather have Skadi which will give me enough survavibility to timelapse. and by the time you complete your linken your damage output is so awful you can be ignored(this is coming from a former linken rusher with a bad win rate)

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          treads don't do shit if you can have earlier mana regen items because you don't go boots

                                          if you max shukuchi and get mana regen items you are fast as fuck all the time


                                            I think about that too since player buys treads for 950 gold since boots is a must. I dont know why pro start building treads again

                                            not arin

                                              you really dont go boots even after ms nerfs?
                                              i havent played weaver for a while but i picked him once like three weeks ago and i couldnt bear how goddamn slow he was


                                                you dont need boots on the hero. doesnt mean treads is shit on weaver. it's still a lot of value.


                                                  but not for movementspeed.