General Discussion

General DiscussionMessage to people that pick "Hard Carry" and go Jungle since neutral ...

Message to people that pick "Hard Carry" and go Jungle since neutral early jungle nerf in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Are you retarded?

    Sincerely , tilted player

    i just want normal game and i got jungle meepo i cri

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Meepo isn't hard carry btw

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        I had a 350 avg gpm, 100 avg lh player go jungle troll and he went 290 gpm, 80 lh in the game haHAA

        Fee Too Pee

          scratch that.

          Any Carry that must farm both lane + jungle and do not have stuns


          Tento komentář byl upraven

            The simple act of choosing carry is the worst. The moment you pick carry, you can bet your sorry ass that EVERYONE ELSE on your team will pick carry too. The moment you decide to not deal with that bullshit and pick a support hero, turns out that NO ONE wants to be the carry. Meanwhile the enemy team plays like they're a 5 stack with 10,000 MMR.

            Ya just can't win.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              Stop queuing on pubs then


                N1c3 dr0p br0 c4n 1 sn1pe ur 3m 3m 4r?

                stupid fuck 2000

                  ^ any game other than tournament games is a pub m8

                  disgusting weebs

                    LMFAO wHO cAREAS HAHA Xd

                      Tento komentář byl smazán

                        Had a jungle meepo in my game too. On the enemy team. Easy game. Guess I'm lucky