General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere is Tidehunter played best?

Where is Tidehunter played best? in General Discussion

    I played him in some games and all I played him in was the offlane. I was wondering if it is possible for him to go mid and get levels over the other enemy lanes then rotate and roam. With his tankiness and Anchor Smash he should be able to sustain and harass in lane against some midlaners. So is it (for lack of a better word) possible to play him mid?


      Why he need all that farm for though


        To get a fast force staff into Mek or rush Blink and Hood into Pipe.


          Best played in 6.83
          srsly tho.....hes an offlaner....u just dont give mid to a walking ultimate with a 100+ sec just dont do can get all the farm and levels you want in the offlane have your own jungle..your own rune....your own can stack as much as you want and clear it easily with max anchor and kraken also win alot of meele matchups

          Riguma Borusu

            you want your mid to win the lane, not just get exp and some gold

            currently popular mids are mostly all really strong laners and ranged at that, tidehunter does shit on a lot of safelane heroes 1v1 but he isn't going to be able to do jack shit against bursty ranged magic dmg cores that are popular mids right now

            now imagine it's 20 minutes into the game and the situation is like this
            1) The enemy team has a farmed Storm, oh no! Don't worry, we have a farmed tidehunter??? Q_Q
            2) The enemy team has a farmed Lina, oh no! Don't worry, we have a farmed tidehunter??? Q_Q
            3) The enemy team has a farmed QoP, oh no! Don't worry, we have a farmed tidehunter??? Q_Q
            4) The enemy team has a farmed Shadow Fiend, oh no! Don't worry, we have a farmed tidehunter??? Q_Q
            5) The enemy team has a farmed Invoker, oh no! Don't worry, we have a farmed tidehunter??? Q_Q
            6) The enemy team has a farmed TA, oh no! Don't worry, we have a farmed tidehunter??? Q_Q

            Tidehunter isn't gonna kill people OR push towers with his farm, so he's absolutely 100% useless in the mid lane.

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