General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in 1.7k MMR

Stuck in 1.7k MMR in General Discussion

    Hi all,
    I started played ranked after 4 months of break.....although I always watched games during the time.... just because in ranked people tend to join the team fights more and help each other a bit more. I lost almost 2k MMR very quickly, I used to be 3.5k now I am 1.7k!

    Now my question is with the amount of time that I can spend on this game would it be helpful to stick to a few heroes that I know how to play really well regardless of the enemy team combo ? Or just try to pick counters in order to boost my mmr a bit ???

    Will appreciate your help :)

    all role player

      just spam riki if u good enough 4k is a joke


        I dont understand the 4k meme how bad is it


          idk man i spam injoker now on my 1.9k account and win every game. if i can win on invoker u can win on whatever hero you wish.


            Why do u play in Australia?
            How do u lose 2k mmr?
            Did u buy account ?

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              @Jacked No man I didn't buy this account! I live in Australia and there are sick no-life players on this server.
              But I managed to get to 3.5k before leaving. I know I lost my touch when I quit for 4 months, and didn't care @ time when I got back.
              Now my original question really is what is the best way to get better mmr.


                I thought this was gonna be a guy who said he started low and got stuck at 1.7 but boy was i wrong. For the bracket pick pudge go mid and win. Or go arc warden tell your team just dont feed, and farm for 50 minutes and split push with illusion even if you lose lane youll eventually win im not kidding.

                And im only saying this because I live in this bracket not because i think im good

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                rain markcawat

                  People in this bracket fight all the time , every time they see enemy they will start a war . Just pick split pusher since they usually waste their tp to join war and walk to defend tower l o l


                    Play in unranked first until you gain all your skills back. I'm pretty sure if you were 3.5k, you can easily win 1k games 1v5.

                    I used to smurf in 1k with timbersaw, my timber is only like on high 3k level and I could 1v5 every game

                    All you need to do is farm... and you just win.

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      what is the best way to get better mmr.

                      By being a better player

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Last time I played on 1k bracket everything is ultra predictable and abusable
                        Everyone gets shadow blades, everyone gets only one set of regen as starting items for the sake of right click damage, they tp into tower where there are an enemy hero, they never push, either afk farms forever or fight 24/7 while still having dogshit items, etc
                        You do the thinking

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                          Well, just cherish the fact that at this level you are able to meet for example:
                          - Weaver building a shadow blade, aiming to upgrade it to silver edge. Though the game ended before he got it. No, not for his win. Can't understand why, since Weaver is OP and shadow blade is OP. Should that not make twice the OP and grant automatic win???
                          - Blade mail Lina. Bcs you know, shes just tanking the enemy team like a raid boss. I did not even dare to look later what else she has, you know what else does a Lina need than blade mail?

                          I'm pretty sure you dont meet these people anywhere else than sub 2k, so just sit back and enjoy the ride. It will be a blast.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Last time i play in 1k i could just shift q everything as luna and do other things(do homework play other game) when 20-30min comes i would just go to their tower and hit it until it dies


                              have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                                it means you fuckin suck bad


                                  Did u stole my nickname?
                                  Pls giff back!


                                    Bro you know by quickly looking through your account we can know if you were ever 3k? 4-6 months ago you were still below 3k. In fact you have never played a high skill game in your life, which means you never were in 3k!

                                    i've played in SEA,Eu and now living in Aussie and i can get to 3k perfectly fine. I'm no pro and i do it for fun but you gotta be more clever.

                                    With that being said, to get out of 1k it's just a matter of getting better mechanically(last hitting,timing,camera work). That tier is pretty easy.

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                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      Idk I got HS games consistently post 3.3k