General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting in top 100 for a hero

Getting in top 100 for a hero in General Discussion
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    How actually are hero efficiency points calculated?

    I have a feeling, I can get in top 100 in the future, but idk, how exactly it's calculated.


      Something to do with mmr bracket, win rate, amount of matches, kda ratio


        you cant. 60% winrate in high skill lmao

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          High skill is party mm w/2k.
          Go matches and filter by VHS ranked lobbies.

          I think it also counts avg KDA/GPM as important factors.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Highest hero score that i got is 5300, and only on 98th percentile(templar assassin)
            Seems difficult to achieve though


              winrate * division * kda * matches played

              division (mmr bracket counting the mmr of team and enemy) plays the largest part, playing solo 4.5 (diamond 5~) i reach top 50+ on arc yet party 3900 (platinum 9) im not up there at all

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                ^division varies though, my ta is on diamond 9, yet im not 4.9k


                  ya when i was 4300 i was playing diamond 9 yet at 4500-4600 i was like diamond 4
                  this is STRAYA though so theres a 2k gap in every game so the division is autism


                    from the looks of it with ta you need 1000+ matches or professional division, or like a 15.00 kda which is ridiculous

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                      So, you either play a shitton of games, play against preset players or tryhard insanely.
                      Got it.
                      I got 218th on Opendota, but it's a different ranking system.

                      It's like an incentive to get better, don't get me wrong.

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                        if u play in shitty bracket when u party up with ur friends, it still decreases ur ranking by a lot, no matter what hero u picked there


                          you need at least like high 4k sol ommr and like 600+ matches to be in top 100

                          and besides, db's top 100 is fucking awful.

                          opendota top 100 is what truly matters

                          Potato Marshal

                            How does Opendota even calculate your rankings? Because it says I'm ranked 184th on SB despite honestly being kind of a mediocre spammer at him.

                            white boy summer

                              first ember spirit is aui (and a lot of other heroes) while he doesnt even expose data since 2k15


                                opendota looks at mmr primarily

                                and resets quaterly

                                while dotabuff is just ridiculous., some 4k kid with 2k mathces on a hero somehow gets to be better than a 6k+ player with 200, lmao?

                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  Checked out of curiosity, I am ranked 212nd Brood @ Opendota, but idk, I felt more like maybe I am in top 500 at best.
                                  Don't know, how it's calculated at Opendota, but obviously in some different way.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    Dotabuff Rankings consider a number of factors on a per-game basis. I truly understand that someone can complain about them - there are a number of edge cases that it doesn't solve for: pro player rankings are inflated, playing with friends can have a negative impact on your ranking, etc. With that said, there is significant amount of nuance to how they are calculated, and we have a pretty sophisticated system in place to ensure some semblance of fairness.

                                    @Cookie, that's just silly. The OpenDota rankings are literally scored by 1 line of SQL that uses "matches_won * solo_mmr_right_now". This approach is extremely naive and is biased in a number of ways. Plot it with a few input scenarios and you'll see what I mean.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven


                                      explain why im not in top 100 with my highest win rate , highest kda riki and highest mmr account.


                                      while two of other accounts are in dotabuff top 100.

                                      current 89th and 87th are my accounts.

                                      they all have higher number of games, thats all.

                                      this ging san

                                      opendota 11th
                                      maxdota 21th

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven


                                        somehow such a simple system gives a more reliable output than the one we have
                                        smthng must be very wrong here, eh?



                                          Let's be clear here, you know as well as us that dotabuff rankings are full of shit. Either fix it or stfu.