General Discussion

General Discussiondo you go for the juke?

do you go for the juke? in General Discussion

    either when fleeing or landing a skill shot. do you go for it?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      well either that or you bend over and take it like a wh0re

      meteor hammer

        depends on if the player ur against has shown himself to be a retard or not


          Is there a reason not to?

          meteor hammer

            if they are running away and you are casting sunstrike, do you assume a 500 mmr player is going to suddenly stop moving to juke sunstrike? no


              no you always run in straight lines what is this juking you are talking about


                Predicting Sun Strikes in 3k mmr is a shitfest.
                Players never move in the logical direction. A 200 HP Lion with 14 Mana will turn around to right click your full HP carry, and therefore cause you to miss sun strike.
                The fucking enemy Pos 1. will randomly stop hitting a creep and move towards the full HP offlaner with no supports...

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  They don't even juke they just make retarded movement decisions
                  I do it too sometimes tbh

                  Raj Limbasia

                    I also do it too sometimes

                    Yung Beethoven

                      When fleeing you should always go for a jukingspot. If you are trying to land a skillshot i never think about them trying to juke cuz most of the time they wont

                      Dire Wolf

                        Ha how's this for juke. Using an xp tome turns off attack command. Isn't that fucking stupid? So many times I'll be jungling and courier delivers my tome and my guy stops hitting.

                        Other "jukes", chasing someone running through trees using attack move works wonders... unless there is creep aggro close enough that you turn the opposite direction DOH!

                        Actually it is quite hard to kill tanky offlaners who use trees right. There's a ton of paths around side shops now to lose you.