General Discussion

General Discussionalchemist is fuckin back

alchemist is fuckin back in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Rip my pubs. Fuckkkkkkk. I just hate farming heroes at my team or enemy team


      Adapt or perish


        Why were u up at 3 am ??????


          porns ?

          basement :)

            Back to lose games.


              Just the fact he got backed up by his team, doesn't mean that he's 'back' lol. IG stacked like ~10 times for that huge boii


                Ez -25 with alch in team in pubs

                mom said it's my turn to ...

                  Best case scenario: at least I'll have an excuse to pick alche mid again
                  Worst case scenario: another undeserved nerf OTW

                  edgy names + anime pfp 1only

                    Report ig i believe they will buff alche but since ig picked it im not sure what they would do to him :(


                      I hate techies


                        He can be back if he wants... Gives me an excuse to insta-pick Axe and watch the alchi cry.

                        The Illuminati

                          You are bad at farming heroes doesnt mean that farming heroes are bad in general


                            But alche IS bad in general 🤔

                            Fee Too Pee

                              I just hate when i gank him million times , some heroes can just farm and win with items and IMMORTAL.

                              ex : AM , ALCH , FUCK THOSE HEROES

                              Deus Vult

                                Ez alche

                                Dire Wolf

                                  pub alch never works that well, teams won't stack for you or secure runes, you won't have your radiance til ~18 mins, you won't have oct and manta til like 30 and other carries will start killing you outright. Alch works in pro games cus he has that shit early


                                    on most carries, you have to work for your items
                                    alchemist doesn't have to work because his passive gives him frankly disgusting GPM

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      6.84 or 6.85 ptsd. Idk

                                      When alche was meta with 50 percent winrate

                                      Fuck that shit. U know u already lost when alche have radi because when alche have octarine with pre nerf cd rage. He is immortal

                                      My ptsd just arghh


                                        How do you shut down afk farming heroes and they come back with pockets full of gold ? Indog magic? :o

                                        Fee Too Pee

                                          Some heroes have insane power spike at certain items

                                          Eventually AM will have manta linkrn and being annoying sliperry bitch as usual

                                          And alche at 6.84 some of them skip manta and going octarine and just immortal

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Alch just lost in a 50 min game where he had double networth of other teams carry before they came back and won and gave his team 3 aghs. So no, alch isn't back.



                                              Alch in pros relies on having shit like radiance armlet manta octarine shiva's at 30-35 min
                                              That's like 900-1000 gpm
                                              U can't rlly win as a casual 700 gpm alch

                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                Tbh i think the real shit that keep alchemist down is the nerf to rage

                                                Holy shit that 6.84 5 second downtime rage with octarine. That was so cancer

                                                Thx god frog for realize that was too cancerous