You just got unlucky, that's all.
You had a downsyndromized retard feed on purpose, not your fault, nothing you can do about it either.
I'm the only one on this forum that is capable of giving a normal answer, the others would say 'gitgud' or 'if you're really good enough you will carry your team no matter what'
Teams are mental, one of the things you have to deal with in Dota.
I agree with 3500 the people on this forum are pretty mental too, the responses are pathetically bad...
still summbreak this week in many european countries
-lots of 16 year old hormone fillled super sensitive and agressive kids
Well I don't know mighta quit dota and go back to cs go. Yeah I noticed the people on this forum are usually a memester anyway.
play a couple of games peacefully and your behavior score increases, then you will have less toxic players. there will be Noobtards everywhere though, just less intentional noobtards.
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So I quit dota for quite a long time let say 6 months. I decided to play it again despite the hype of the International and eventually bought a compendium and it's 15 days till the event end lol. I wanna know why the fuck has Dota 2 became shittier or let say community? Look at the fucking AM I played with the last match. I don't even flame or does any other teammates but he kept talking shit saying how bad we are and he decided to feed the enemy for the sake of not defending his ancient. I remember Dota isn't that bad longs ago and this is the worst case I've seen myself. Is this only happens in SE Asia or does the other server experience the same thing? I used to play 12 games per day without feeling tired now playing just 4 games make me feels like uninstall the fucking ame.