General Discussion

General DiscussionBest mid lane hero?

Best mid lane hero? in General Discussion

    Your opinion?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      I think the heroes with the most good matchups are Razor, Bloodseeker and Viper. But this is only laning-wise.



        Eat Soup With A Fork



            ZET is the BEST. And OP im not talking about you as the player.


              Zet is the self and Self is Zet.. ye I know bout him😝


                BS, Tinker, MK


                  razor is the counter i pick when someone picks viper.

                  not too many heroes that can solo mid when they have -50 damage.


                    silencer is also a godly mid hero (can beat viper too).

                    the problem is that hero sucks balls as a core (with some exceptions).


                      If you want lane dominance and aren't thinking about late game scenario, 1st comment is pretty good. BS, Viper and Razor have the edge in many matchups. I'd ask like to add Necro here, Tinker maybe. If you're thinking for more late game whilst retaining some capability to lane strongly, SF and TA. Theoretically heroes like Arc and Sniper would also do well, but they aren't too lane dominant. All depends on how you play the hero.
                      The traditional midlane tempo setters like Storm, QoP, and Invo are somewhere in between.
                      Are we factoring in niche mids or nah? Like Sky or Luna or w/e


                        if its just 1v1 i really like silencer, you can dominate almost all heroes, from the list, he loses maybe only to tinker, viper, phantom assasin, but in the teamgame, its hero that comes online like really really late :(

                        The Quantum

                          Arc Warden can kill people even if he gets ganked, has free vision with SW and gets guaranteed kill when he hits 6, by far the best mid in my opinion

                          Fee Too Pee

                            Tbh sniper mid 1 vs 1 is fucking cancer




                                the problem is that hero sucks balls as a core (with some exceptions).

                                i take it one of the exceptions is when you snowball hard af and can four-shot the enemy anti mage?
                                (yes, this happened to me)


                                  or to the point where you manfight the enemy pl and win


                                    Arc brood are free wins if u r good and has been proven by alot of people.....however if u r asking about the meta
                                    dp veno razor qop are really strong now

                                    El Chivo

                                      fcking LINA




                                          btw i forgot enchantress, she is also mid lane destroyer, but after that gets disabled, by bkb or silver edge :(




                                              For wrecking them i wud suggest invoker ..Ta .. Arc wqrden




                                                  PA and Sniper, @ EDTawesome Necro gets destroyed by ranged mids, viper sniper ta etc etc


                                                    Viper and Razor to win the lane.
                                                    Meepo and alch to solo win the game

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      It really depends on if supports are going to rotate or not. If enemy supports are going to rotate and save their mid + gank you, then viper's not that great. He's quit easy to gank early cus he's slow, though I guess you can max skin. Same with like Sf, even though Sf dominates most 1v1s. Same with sniper, though he's hard to tower dive under shrapnel, he's very squishy.

                                                      If your supports will tp to back you up though all those are fine, or if enemy supports aren't ganking.

                                                      A good invoker is always most versatile, scales into late, can fill most roles a team needs.


                                                        bring back mid 1v1 so viper is a hero again


                                                          sf can turn ganks so easily
                                                          ive gotten doubles when getting ganked
                                                          viper less so cuz he lacks that burst dmg

                                                          swap commends

                                                            Necrohpos best mid no hero can compete with treads and windlace raindrops at 7-8 unkillable not even viper or silencer or razor


                                                              tbh if u wanna win lane go sf
                                                              my comfort hero is lina tho


                                                                basically arc and brood shit on the majority of the heropool.


                                                                  Meepo all the way


                                                                    bane is really strong 1v1