General Discussion

General DiscussionLearnig how to play Arc warden mechanically and efficiently

Learnig how to play Arc warden mechanically and efficiently in General Discussion
ELon Musk

    Losing streak I followed torte de lini's guide (maxed wraith). The last 2 match was from pvgna (maxed flux). I saw an arc spammer here before, visits his profile and was amazed. It seems like he never lose. Started playing arc since. No overused joke and tryhard being funny. Just some useful suggestions and advice.

    meteor hammer

      yes max q first because u need the cast range and it is similar damage with more slow

      if ur good at this hero u wont lose often

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        torte de lini guides K E K

        ELon Musk

          Does flux deactivates when an enemy creep is in the enemy find radius? I only know that it deactivates when near enemy hero

          mom said it's my turn to ...

            yes it does, and also just in case you didn't know too(because I didn't know just until I played arc again just recently), flux instances from your original and clone can stack.


              is that fucking hard to analyse some top tier arc player replays and make your own conclusions?


              ELon Musk

                free time is rare for me. i dont normally watch people's game because when i have free time i play dota. i have a life too you know

                зачем я начал поиск

                  Yet you watch guides and some shit from Pvgna. Seems like you have enough time for that.


                    Cookie is there at 14th Kappa


                      Getting good at dota while having a life is hard

                      Player 404335202

                        Yea .. Idk how they decide tht score but cookie has amazing grasp on that hero ! Cookie can we 1v 1 ?

                        ELon Musk

                          I dont watch pvgna. Pvgna' guide is in dota 2 guides. i click them and read the description and do everything they told

                          ELon Musk

                            So it was cookie that i saw spamming ac. it was in 2016 when i saw his ac games. cookie can you please publish an ac skill and itemization guide on dota 2 hero guides so that i can just select your guide and not memorize your skill builds and itemization


                              Gl hf decrypting it

                              it is literally just a list of items an arc can buy, so i don't have to find them in the shop.

                              the situations you'll buy the items are not mentioned

                              arc' skill build changes game to game so that is also not mentioned.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                              Boop Boop

                                One could say there isn't a cookie cutter build Kappa


                                  arc dogshit shitstain retard warden


                                    "One could say there isn't a cookie cutter build Kappa"

                                    oh my dog


                                      This hero is for grinding mmr only.Pretty boring.


                                        What's the relatively standard build on Arc Warden in terms of skill and item? Also, what's his win window? Is he meant to shitstomp by X amt of time, or can he just go ultra late and still trash everyone? Asking because of my last Arc game on my profile. Again, I know Dota is a complex game with many factors changing everything else constantly, but there's usually a relative standard, that's what I'm asking


                                          It seems this is the era of reborn threads, because no one seems to have the brains to come up with meaningful new forum topics.