General Discussion

General DiscussionHow viable is carry Skywrath right now?

How viable is carry Skywrath right now? in General Discussion

    Is he better as a mid carry, or a support/roaming support?
    I would like to know. :D


      U went 25-0-14 in a normal skill game with dubai as region and that made u instantly think that the hero is definitely a nutty carry/mid hero.


        No, I'm just asking if it is a thing, and if I should practice this more.

        Riguma Borusu

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Nyx rapes sky btw.


              good enough to shit on unorganized pubs
              not good enough for real pro dota


                Throw this guy in

                And then a couple of these guys

                But if you really wanna fuck Skywrath up you go for these guys

                Things start to get messy and they pick Sky? Might aswell get these guys too

                Riguma Borusu

                  Now on a serious note, sky mid can be okay, but if you play against people with a shred of intelligence, you have to ban nyx every game, if he is level 7 when you are level 16, you'll still die to this piece of shit. Pugna ruins Sky really really hard too. Sky is also generally destroyed by silences, he won't always die when silenced, but he's a really fast 0 armor hero, so if you combine those silences with slows, he's destroyed since he dies in several hits.

                  But you don't have to worry, none of this will matter in 1k unranked.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    Wait I forgot to post this guy too, he's nuts against Skywrath

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^Oh right, good catch, we all forget how good a counter to sky that hero is. Oh and there's one more thing that's really good against sky.

                      Once he comits spells onto you, he has very little control in general, he can euls himself or get a bkb, but any tanky hero can get blademail against this paper hero.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        What you also can do is asking your supports/offlaner to build this item or you could even do it yourself.

                        And after you can upgrade it into this:

                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                        Riguma Borusu

                          I have trust issues because I am trash and so are my teammates and enemies so I build hood against heavy magic dmg myself.


                            Very sad story.


                              skywrath is very good carry, but!
                              it can be godlike until someone gets force staff, similar when playing clockwerk, and after you are pretty much 0 use, unless you have pudge, legion, void or another long lockdowns.
                              Also it can be countered easy, by silencer, ursa, lifestealer, so i would say it is very situational, sometimes you can go core like 20-0, sometimes like 2-12


                                This guy is great too, he presses R and everyone is silenced, even your speakers!

                                I remember when I played Magnus vs Silencer mid, I had 0 farm and the guy had a 8 minutes Midas and 17 minute Refresher Orb was a very good game.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  He is a lane dominator in mid, but playing Sky mid is like playing Bane or Lich mid.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    was a very good game.

                                    you mean he had a good game.


                                      Lmfao, I'll never forget that game.

                                      17 minutes in: Enemy Silencer > Refresher Orb

                                      Followed by someone saying 'what the fuck' into 'magnus reported'.

                                      one-man bukakke

                                        I like to pick him against viper, tinker and almost every other hero, execpt counters like nix, silencer and gap closers as pa, bara.

                                        Normally you will win your lanr against almost every other matcjup. But mid-late game you will fall hard. Pretty damm hard. Like a creep with less armor.

                                        They start getting dsggers, bkb, pipe is not that big of a problem, usually you cab plunge against the magic barrier with a veil and spamming q (as zeus does). The big problem is the low agi/str gain as you are going to be a glasd cannon almost the entire game.

                                        Bkb and you are useless. Pa deso dagger and you usually die in one hit. Am just jumped, you are like a fucking atomic bomb.

                                        Is better played as a roamer or as a bully in the offlane. Mid is plausible but if you get counterpicked or if your oponents have half a brain you are going to have a bad game.


                                          As soon as nyx gets nerfed u will see that sky has been over buffed.


                                            Sky is not overbuffed, And i like how we all mention nyx but forget to mention pugna, that hero makes skys dick REAAAAL soft


                                              Pretty much as every other post like this;


                                              Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                Well about a month ago I met this sky mid spammer and he Carried the shit out of us

                                                Tried it myself in a 4K int party ranked and it was pretty decent

                                                I think its definitely viable depending on the draft


                                                  Pugna also dies rlly fast
                                                  U just get bkb on sky and u gucci

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    I did mention pugna fucks this hero (and forces him into bkb).

                                                    The thing is, if the draft is good for sky, you can steamroll the game even if you are brain damaged. However, if you have to shoehorn various defensive items into your draft, not only will you not get a proper peak where you can kill every hero on the map, you'll also fall off even faster.

                                                    Pugna forces sky into a BKB, but Sky can't farm for shit, so by the point he has a BKB, he either hasn't been able to fight for a while, or he only has BKB because he rushed it. He can't afford to delay it because pugna can just take all towers while sky is trying to do something.

                                                    It's a really unthankful matchup, completely changed by a BKB, yes, but anyone who forces sky into a bkb is his fiercest enemy.


                                                      idk in my bracket no one picks pugna or nyx THAT often, and tbh u can probably just go blink after aghs and blow em up before anyone bats an eye
                                                      people in actual dota levels of mmr play around this shit but sky is rlly good at rekting pubs.

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        well in our brackets people will buy shit items so if the heroes aren't good vs sky, they also won't get any better

                                                        rare force staves, misused euls, nobody uses glimmer against magic burst, people rarely buy BKBs, etc, so sky is naturally good there



                                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                            Just don't pick the spell lifesteal talent at lvl15

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              Terrible at farming
                                                              Really fragile
                                                              No tower dmg
                                                              You could put him mid sometimes and completely dumpster enemy heroes but it can backfire hard if u dont get kills or map control - you heavily rely on team to do stuff so u could as well pick it as a support and do exact same thing while having a carry

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                sky is pretty op now,yes good for public,v fast,,,blade mall doesn't work vs sky cos his life steal spell,, also 510 base movement at lvl 20 is op plus afghan x2 skills and its gg

                                                                try to catch him if u try to back up back he will slow u and kill you

                                                                with afgan,octarine,eul rod basicly 1k k dmg every 3 sec just from 1st skill,,plus 3rd +45% dmg and ulti u get 2100 dmg in 2 sec every 12 sec,,

                                                                yes nyx kil him,problem ulti kill nyx

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  sky is pretty op now,yes good for public,v fast,,,

                                                                  Sky is nowhere even close to OP, and nobody sane plays him as a core.

                                                                  blade mall doesn't work vs sky cos his life steal spell,,

                                                                  Yeah sure man, because 15% lifesteal surely counters 100% damage return. Are you mentally retarded or you just suck at math?

                                                                  also 510 base movement at lvl 20 is op plus afghan x2 skills and its gg

                                                                  If i pretend that was written in English, I would reply that if ever caught he'll die in a few hits because he's fucking paper, no armor, no HP. He's retardedly weak to disables.

                                                                  try to catch him if u try to back up back he will slow u and kill you

                                                                  Literally any blink+disable will kill him.

                                                                  with afgan,octarine,eul rod basicly 1k k dmg every 3 sec just from 1st skill,,plus 3rd +45% dmg and ulti u get 2100 dmg in 2 sec every 12 sec,,

                                                                  Yeah, this is if you don't die in a few hits before that. Even with euls, a lot of heroes build diffusal. Also it's AGHANIM, you mongol, not afgan or whatever.

                                                                  yes nyx kil him,problem ulti kill nyx

                                                                  No, he'll die before the said "ulti kill nyx" because literally every spell nyx has counters him.

                                                                  Look man, I understand you are having fun with this hero in 1k MMR, but core sky is fucking shit. You could play axe dagon every game and win in that bracket. Don't try to give out advice based on your 1k adventures because you play in a subhuman bracket with a subhumkan winrate and your opinions are completely irrelevant and easily dismissable. Even mine are, unless I am simply relaying something I had learned from players much better than me.

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    y'all sleepin on sky mid


                                                                      I think it's actually good
                                                                      Like at least in uncoordinated pubs, u can totally get away with sitting on the fringe and dumpstering people with atos.
                                                                      He almost always wins mid
                                                                      I'm pretty sure as long as ur not sitting in plain vision all the time for them to gank u then u won't die to ganks that much
                                                                      It's the same shit as Zeus, only u have a long duration silence, dumpster lane, and ur fast while Zeus is kinda slow.

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                        If your team has a tower wrecking carry then your early game momentum won't be wasted.


                                                                          Man I've seen many skys own in high mmr pubs without much farm. Owns in late game with a void too. Scary hero. Duno about putting him mid though


                                                                            You are dumb if u say sky isnt anything near OP btw
                                                                            Just not as core

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              You are dumb if u say sky isnt anything near OP btw
                                                                              Just not as core

                                                                              This is what I meant. The hero's quite amazing when picked as a support, and can make many lanes really easy (well, not for your enemies, lul).

                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                Sky is an amazing support. Especially vs Storm and Morphlig. Why going mid with him? He can harass offlaner pretty ez without levels.


                                                                                  sky is a good core


                                                                                    mid sky is a good last pick in some games.
                                                                                    Support sky is good in pretty much every game where teammates can set up his ult for him.


                                                                                      Would you like some fried chicken wings?
                                                                                      SKY IN A NUTSHELL


                                                                                        Very viable.....w33 proved it in ti6 iirc


                                                                                          Sky mid is situational, but can get fucked by so many heroes when he's put as a core.
                                                                                          Either snowball or become useless.
                                                                                          You can't flash farm like other mids, you can't hit towers.
                                                                                          Either go 20-0
                                                                                          Or 0-20


                                                                                            Aghs solves his farming problems imo
                                                                                            But most arguments here also apply to Zeus.
                                                                                            Besides sky laning stronger, being faster, farming slower, having a silence, less aoe, and less vision, the basic concept of a non tower hitting, nuke bursting magic dmg core going mid is the same.
                                                                                            Even then, sky doesn't require that much farm as opposed to levels, and benefited from the aether lens change, and atos change, veil is super good to solve early armor problems, etc. U can definitely farm a basic set of earlier core items, unless u get totally run over, which doesn't rlly happen in the early game as sky.


                                                                                              If You get to octarine this 25-40% life steal works pretty good . . Sky is good to sit on the back and deal damage not in the front.. somehow like sniper .also 3rd skill silence is pretty good . . With low cooldown.

                                                                                              Yes blade mall is ok vs him....just Athos .then slow 2nd skill and silence 6 sec(add 45%) DMG and then ulti .by end of ulti u will apply X2 first I skill .most of ppl pop out blade mall if they in danger You just kite it

                                                                                              manta is fucking him pretty bad
                                                                                              Nyx will kill him maybe if not get silenced first . . . . So all is good if there is tank in front.linken is nice to to avoid slows .
                                                                                              I never tied difusal on sky . . That's why I play 2k bracket to test anything.even Poor's man shield is good

                                                                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                                Oh boi oh boi what season is this? Too many retardness with subtle hint of troll/satire


                                                                                                  If u have good sentry placement u can catch out nyx but he still fucks u kinda hard.


                                                                                                    solid carry

                                                                                                    meteor hammer

                                                                                                      sky ult is one force staff away from complete uselessness all game

                                                                                                      his other skills are nuts though