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General DiscussionCookie's Crystal Maiden guide for 0-4k MMR

Cookie's Crystal Maiden guide for 0-4k MMR in General Discussion

    I dunno why y'all been complaining you can't find Cookie's Crystal Maiden guide, it's always been here on the Forum:

    Dunno how relevant it is since the last few patches, but anyway...

    This is a direct copy if you want:

    the reason that this works is that low mmr players have no idea what ganks are nor can they farm
    and also they keep playing 3-5 man carry lineups which are super easy to shut down.
    the last 3 people i've shown this to have instantly won almost every game after showing them this
    the pattern looks like this:
    - tell someone else to go support, if they don't want to just show your icon on the minimap as legion commander in the jungle, then later after they pick a lane support you pick crystal maiden.
    - tell your teammates you're gonna go jungle for 4-5 minutes and then you'll win them the game.
    - buy tango, 4x clarity, courier, 2x observer ward and level your 2nd ability
    - give 2 tango to the midlaner and an observer ward.
    - give an observer ward to the offlaner or carry(mostly offlaner).
    - queue tranquils into quickbuy.
    - go to the midlane and block from like 00:00 for like 10 seconds so your midlaner gets a nice well positioned wave
    - make sure to get to the hard camp next to the offlane by 0:30 and kill the big creep there with your freeze
    your 2nd ability does 1000 damage to creeps
    be warned that centaur has 1100 HP and the small centaurs have a stacking magical resistance aura.
    so does the potato and tomato camp, for that one just instantly freeze the potato and you'll be able to freeze the tomato after which guarantees a faster kill on both.
    big troll and purple saytr creeps also have 1100 hp
    - kill big creep at 0:30 and then stack the camp at the 2nd spawn( which is 1:00)
    - now clear the rest of the camp and see if the medium camp is saytr or centaur since you can also clear those 2 quite easily
    - now take the 2:00 rune and walk to the other side of the jungle
    - send your boots
    - now kill the big creep in the hard camp closest to your midlane
    - and stack the big camp at the 3rd spawn time(3:00)
    - now clear that camp and check the medium camp if it's wolf/centaur since you can also clear those easily
    - now take the other rune which spawned at 2:00 and the 4:00 rune
    now you should have about level 4-5 depending on how lucky you were with your spawn
    and it's 4 minutes meaning it's night time and time to gank.
    - send your tranquils, upgrade the courier, and for the rest buy a tp scroll, a smoke and a clarity, if you still have more buy 2x observer.
    your build will go: 2-3-3-1-3-4-3-1-1-+60 damage talent-1-4-2-2-+125 cast range-2-4-*rest doesn't matter, game is pretty much over by this part* preferably -1.5 sec frostbite and -35 sec respawn time.
    you're not allowed to mess up any of the above^^
    i mean ANY, you have to do the jungle pattern perfectly
    - now it's 4 minutes, check the river rune closest to you and go gank the safelane.
    - don't sit behind trees waiting for a perfect opportunity those will never happen, just walk into that lane and tell your teammates that you're coming and tell them to GOGOGO
    - now the enemy offlaner will die and he'll teleport back to lane, now pull the hard camp preferably at the 4:53 mark to reset the creep equilibrium because it will push. and that also stacks it.
    - now you can clear the hard camp OR if your enemy offlaner is stupid, which he probably is, he'll come close to contest you or the next wave so you can KILL HIM AGAIN.
    - after killing the camp get your observer wards and smokes (2-3 of them) and now it's time to gank the midlane, walk around the midlane and kill the bitch.
    - you should be very near lvl 6 or lvl 6 with this gank and you'll be able to just pop your ult and kill whatever midlaner they have, some things like qop or od aren't easy to kill but you can try since they're retarded.
    - now AGAIN, they'll telepport back to lane like idiots where you'll be hiding behind trees waiting for that to happen
    - now you kill that midlaner again because he's retarded.
    - now ward the midlane and walk your ass to the offlane and harass and spam spells at their carry, preferably killing him.
    - but you're not trying to really just kill him, your job here is to take his tower
    - place wards behind his tower to see where he hides or if people teleport to help
    - now after taking his tower ward deeper into his jungle so you can gank them
    - now you've successfully won all 3 lanes by yourself, now it's about 10 minutes , buy wand, more wards, smokes and the tome.
    - now constantly pressure and gank them in their jungle, don't dive them behind towers and don't gank in areas you don't know where the rest of their team are, they're already shut down and trying to grab any farm they can find on the map, they'll make mistakes and leave the safetey of their towers sooner or later where you'll bank on it.
    - now take their mid t1 with your team and then their offlane t1, now ward around the cliffs of their base and just gank them every time they leave the t2's or aren't in the shrines
    - after that push the t2's, ward more around their base and gank them harder
    - then just after your teammates have their core items, and you have glimmer/blink/forcestaff(which should be about 20 minutes into the game) go roshan and just go 5 man up the highground and end the game
    playing like this will win you almost every game by 25 minutes.
    have fun, i'll find a replay of one of my students doing it soon so you can watch it.
    p.s you're not allowed to die even once during the first 15 minutes, if you do then you're doing something wrong and should fix that instnatly
    p.p.s with fixing i don't mean afking and not doing anything or running in circles, i mean actually doing it better.


      Can you find his laning carry guide ?


        An advanced version is available for free as well xD



          Player 404335202

            dude some1 is trying to make money with this guide
            ! u shudnt be posting it xD .




                I have the PDF too if you'd like.

                Player 404335202

                  what if riki harasses to cm ? he can kill cm easily even at lvl 1


                    Don't ask me LOL. I'm just the messenger.


                      Tnx cuki ur da best
                      -cuki fangay 101


                        SeemsGood Thanks cuki SeemsGood


                          Txn Cuki