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General DiscussionSearching for one good guy.

Searching for one good guy. in General Discussion
Friendly player

    I asked for this many times before but i got stupid answers like "get better". I'm looking for a good player who could actually watch my replay and judge my gameplay.

    Pronocol | Røhd Tu Tåpp Wåhn

      pretty sure nobody is gonna bother watchibg replays for some random guy on dotabuff, unless they have a ton of freetime.

      edit:i felt kind of sorry for u so ill say some stuff that helped me. if ur playing carry try and focus on getting a certain amount of cs by the 10 min mark. i used to always try and get 50 no matter the lane, but u can start a bit lower maybe around 30-40 and then gradually go up as u improve. also always try and do something, dont stand somewhere and do nothing, then things will start going into enemys favor. u should also carry tp even if u are carry, because it can turn a dive from an enenmy around into ur favor and get urself some gold as well.

      Tento komentář byl upraven
      Riguma Borusu

        If you have 300 MMR, you aren't doing your part to improve, and nobody can help you.

        Friendly player

          yeah if im 300 but im 600 so clearly its not my fault ;)


            I was 2k 6 months ago and i kept rejecting fault on my teammates
            i stopped that andi tried to improve by myself, in a month i climbed to 2k8 and 3k a month after
            So you're the only one to blame here for not being better


              maybe after a couple of years you'll be 3-4k but that's where you'll stop, but i'm just gonna break it to you now:

              you simply do not have the ability to improve because your logic is flawed.

              So, just play for fun because you're not getting anywhere near actual high mmr.


                idc mmr i play for fun xD


                  pay for that shit and you will find it

                  Riguma Borusu

                    yeah if im 300 but im 600 so clearly its not my fault ;)

                    yeah man my profile says 3.7k but I am really 6k

                    1st class tourist

                      Stop playing for fun u baboon


                        Pretty simply advice:
                        Spam Riki/ LC/ AM / BS / SB, players with mmr such as yours dont know how to handle/counter those players.
                        Especially SB, if you know how to play him while roaming, you will easily win any game along with the proper carry.


                          High level:
                          - Watch some videos of low MMR coaching
                          - Focus on a *very* limited number of heroes you won't get bored with (like 3 - perhaps Jugg Safe, SB Off->Roam, Weaver Off)
                          --- Literally play 100 games in a row with just these heroes
                          - Treat the game as 3 phases
                          --- Laning: How close to 60 last hits by 10 minutes as carry? How many successful ganks as roamer? Did you place an offlane ward, force a TP or steal a rune?
                          --- Teamfights/Splitpush: Can you kill an undefended tower, organize a 4+ man smoke gank, or TP to the other side of the map to push every game?
                          --- Highground push: Smoke Gank -> Deep wards -> Rosh -> Smoke Gank -> Highground

                          Looking over the summaries (last ~20 games) there are some notable, many of them generic/expected for 0k:
                          - You are playing one of 5 or 4 cores vs 5 or 4 cores
                          - You never really carried the team (as far as kills / networth), with Weaver game as only possible exception
                          - The games are frequently over 45 minutes, with several going over an hour

                          I'm also going to make some assumptions:
                          - You want to get better (e.g. win the game more consistently)
                          - You won't really have control over your teammates

                          With this in mind, I suggest the high-level bullet points from the beginning. You won't be able to rely much upon your team, so play the phases as minigames, and don't worry about winning. It will come (when the ancient dies) as you get better at the different aspects of the game and build your game sense.

                          Another option to eventually consider is the hero that doesn't need 45 minutes of farm or levels to come online, that can push creep waves, kill towers or disable heroes, and win games. They are strong even from the first level, and scary once they get level 6.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            You're just not meant to be a good DotA player, nothing to do about it.


                              pretty sure nobody is gonna bother watchibg replays for some random guy on dotabuff, unless they have a ton of freetime.

                              Or just go learn from high mmr replays yourself lol
                              or just play for fun


                                i think ayome can get to 9k mmr because dota isnt engineering and archtecting which need talents from childhood its hard work dedication and serious effort used


                                  basically u need to love dota know math know every spell sunergy in game know how nuke deals dmg( for example tinker rocket at lvl 4 doesnt deal 325 dmg but deals 265 dmg to any hero who has no dmg red bonus) and everything that comes from experience and willingnes to learn and undrrstand the game


                                    You're funny bruh. Add me so I can watch your sub 1k games. If you can handle me laughing at your mistakes then you'd probably learn something.


                                      So I watched your Void game. (3419931520)
                                      First mistake - first wave creeps met under your t1 tower and you missed them (because tower attacks them). You desided to not buy Quelling Blade, it's mistake too. You are bad on last hitting and you are not keeping the lane creeps fighting in approximately the middle of the lane. It's really important because enemy offlaner (Necrophos) gets too much xp and gold from a safe position. 29/12 creeps at 10:30 it's bad results for carry.(6 net worth) And you died so stupidly at 10:59...
                                      You need to imrove your laning stage because game depends on it, it's really really important.
                                      You can watch some Purge videos on youtube he really helps me when I was 2-3k player.

                                      p.s. I'm not a native english speaker(I'm russian). Sorry if something is unclear.

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                      Potato Marshal

                                        You need to stop having fun.


                                          pls enjoy

                                          Friendly player

                                            The time is now, well sad thing u watched the replay where i played void cause im shit at it, i dont even know how to play him. Thanks for sacrificing your time though, first person who actually tried to help me. People say i should spam heroes and i know it will make me get to higher mmr super fast but i just don't like doing that, i play heroes that i feel right now, no one can predict what hero i will play next you know.


                                              spamming a hero will make you play better and understand the game more


                                                Damn. What a mysterious guy

                                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                  basic dota :facepalm:

                                                  Friendly player

                                                    Alright dude if im gonna start spamming tell me what hero should be good? I like playing with lycan and am, maybe enigma is great too, i have 100% winrate on that.

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      100% winrate means nothing if you've only played 5 games.


                                                        just spam whatever hero you are comfortable with and confident enough in to carry the game
                                                        but i suggest lycan

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          I thought that that wasn't your style fam. Stay with me in the random club, best matches of your life I guarantee it.

                                                            Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                                            Friendly player

                                                              ^ wtf? I feel like this guy needs a lot, A LOT of attention on internet.

                                                              Story Time

                                                                the title is so gay


                                                                  I hope op is trolling


                                                                    it doesnt matter that your bad with void. if you have this low last hits, learn how to last hit creeps. will get you to 1k guaranteed, probably even further

                                                                    El Chivo
                                                                      Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                                                      Friendly player

                                                                        Its tested and it didn't work. Please stop copying what other people said few years ago.

                                                                        El Chivo
                                                                          Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                            As for what hero to spam, I find sven very convenient. He can farm as fast as antimage and is not really that vulnerable at any stage of the game.

                                                                            His base damage is good, getting a quelling blade will make you last hit very easily, and your stun is enough damage/disable to lane properly (at your mmr).

                                                                            Also, since he IS a farming hero, hes a good hero to spam at low mmr because games in those bracket tend to last very long so sven wins at outfarming other carries (without including kills).

                                                                            He's also difficult to kill because of warcry and an AOE stun along with extra life from God strength.

                                                                            I usually go treads > MoM > SnY > Blink > Daedalus (or BKB) > Moonshard all in less than 30-35 mins.


                                                                              There is farm littered all over the map untouched in lower mmr . I recommend Sven as well .

                                                                              El Chivo

                                                                                Learning to last hit will give you a wide edge over other sub 1k dipshits. If you are really over that bracket you could go mid with lina or ta or another tempo dominator and get long winstreaks.

                                                                                Is not fucking rocket science. Just stop picking supports or heros who are totally useless without farm (like void ffs) and go for the fiable, straight forward right clickers and nukers.


                                                                                  Go watch some BSJ and Purge coaching videos. 300mmr is extremely low level. Are you even trying?


                                                                                    why some1 else should work instead of u

                                                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                      At first I thought you were a clownish Jugg but it's hard not to see you as a Troll.


                                                                                        Smart ppl get others to work for them