General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff MMR not updating properly to my actual MMR.

Dotabuff MMR not updating properly to my actual MMR. in General Discussion
the better spidey

    > Title.

    I'm sitting at 4640 solo MMR currently, yet my Dotabuff is only showing 4590. I know it's trivial and stupid and all, but I'm (and I think a lot of you guys are too) partial to that magic number.

    Oh and yes, I've always showcased my MMR on my in-game profile.

    Does this have anything to do with the SEA Server's hiccups during the last couple of days?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      this is not up to dotabuff, this is valve, their servers are just behind

      you have to show your mmr and then then play a couple of matches

      the easiest way is to just go to your dota 2 profile ingame, switch from solo to something else> save> edit again and switch back to solo mmr> save.

      then play a game, this should update it.

      the better spidey

        Dude do you work for DBuff or smthing I thought you make scrub CM guides for a living.

        In all seriousness, I'm gonna try that out tonight, although I swear I've already been doing that trick for my last couple of games out of habit. I'll get back to you.


          "for a living"


            Still waiting for cuki to release his arc warden guide


              it's in another thread

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