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General DiscussionRant thread

Rant thread in General Discussion

    Rant thread

    mom said it's my turn to ...

      Bws(it) HaHAA


        I hate rant threads rant.

        Riguma Borusu

          I wonder what causes people to shittalk in the game after their own successful plays. It's kind of like sucking your own d!ck, I actually find it quite annoying when people write stuff like that, like they have something to prove, but nobody ever cares, especially because in the next game, it's likely they are gonna be dumpstered and they're going to be the target of the same type of shittalk that they use.

          Like, I prefer to talk to people nicely and in a friendly manner, so when someone is dumpstering me I can write "pls stahp :'(" rather than "SUKA BLIET IDI NAHUI" and when I shit on someone I am like "well, it's one of those games", rather than trying to elevate myself above my own mediocrity. When will people understand they are fucking shit, and that no amount of shittalking the enemy is going to change that? I even play fucking unranked, don't give a shit whether I win, and people still flame the opponents whether they are dumpstering or being dumpstered. One of the most hilarious things is when Invoker players flame sniper players for picking a "right click hero" when it doesn't fucking matter, if you pick invoker you're supposed to use the fact that he is not just a "right click hero" to a full extent, not get dumpstered by a sniper. If anything, getting dumpstered by what you see as inferior is not flattering at all, it means you admit you're bad.

          Do I go on or have I ranted too much?

          Potato Marshal

            I really hate this new Youtube layout.

            Riguma Borusu

              ^holy shit yeah, I have no idea why it looks so much like shit, I feel like there aren't enough things to space everything out, it looks like a windows 10 layout which is also all white and featureless.




                  Bws still pretends to be 3k


                    I'm sub 1k sir

                    Pump Cultist

                      gg great thread keep it up
                      - no one ever

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        People don't want me to play ANYTHING in high elo because of my low level. How can I level up if they don't want me to play?? Paladins ofc


                          Mafioso and slq's Low winrate

                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                            valve scammed me


                              Slq's long reply


                                Hate my job .



                                  You obviously shittalk after outplaying them to maximize the salt and tilting of the enemy team, preferably their core (it's essential if they have a nickname like MIDONLY or 1v9ForLyfe), so they give up early and start blaming their team. Game's a lot easier after that.


                                    Rpq doesn't utilise psychological tricks

                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                      Vast majority of threads on this forum trigger me by their level of retardation, it's as if literally only blue stars post something relevant and sane.
                                      I would give up my right to post, if it ment that only blue stars could.

                                      MYTEAMSUX-threads, IAM2KPLSHALP-threads, AMIGOOD-threads, etc.
                                      I am a toxic lowskill fucker, but at least I realize I am one and gradually improve ingame, I realize that if my team fed - shit happens, in the long run I'll be better off anyway (I win much more than I lose in the long run @ my bracket, MMR goes up and up). Most of the posters here fail to reflect on how fucking shit they are and how much they need to improve on, before looking back @ their team, for no matter what kind of bullshit I posted, I've never excused systematic losing by "bad teammates" or w/e, I always knew it was me underperforming in majority of cases. It triggers me.

                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                        -ywn best poster, btw (overall).
                                        No homo.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          I only utilize psychological tricks when I know I will personally get a kick out of it, because I actually really play only for fun.

                                          I've had games against AMs and Huskars where I'd go LC jungle to farm blademail, then tell my team that I will troll the other team, then start writing "gg tima rakov I go feed" and then go to AM's or Huskar's lane (slark also works). Then I stand in creeps and let them hit me a bit, then press the attack, blademail and duel. This is literally my favorite thing to do to throw people off, I just don't like flaming them.


                                            ^who TF cares
                                            Like if someone outplay me I give them the "?" Cuz I'm they earned it if they play well.
                                            At the end of the day idc, if it's distracting or annoying, which it can be if repetetive I just mute and move on.
                                            Like my invoker landing a dank sunstrike, then typing a ? And being silent most of the game shud be fine but wtf do I know
                                            If I run away with 20 hp I'll type a ? And then probably say nothing else.
                                            The occasional lmao at the enemy fail
                                            I think ur too used to this whole thing of "we r all shit in 3k stop flaming," just cuz we may be shit doesn't suddenly make us unable to judge other people for being bad or type a ? In all chat. Everything is relative, we may be shit compared to 6k's that's obvious, but we can also poke fun at the guy who played bad considering the 2k avg.

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              Vast majority of threads on this forum trigger me by their level of retardation, it's as if literally only blue stars post something relevant and sane.

                                              there is a reason why alot of people give up on trying to help people around