General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport sniper eloel

Support sniper eloel in General Discussion

    I nailed it man but my team hol me back :(

    approaching 55% winrate randoming most games playing sniper and alch support for the memes

    my magnus is weak AF though

    need to spam pudge to train for arcana. if ill have 2 months of pudge in every game i might as well pick him myself

    sorry im autistic flame me

    Riguma Borusu

      you are not even deserving of flame


        my 600 gpm alchemist is legendary btw


          and i barely missed any hooks in my life

          my CK becomes as powerful as XxXChaosNoobOfHell666XxX

          and my viper is the most toxic thing in dota you have ever seen

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            I thought toxic viper is great since it is exactly what he is, venomous flying snake

            Jay the Bird

              what if you're a toxic person AND play viper? 100% winrate?


                damn im not toxic enough

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Ah, a fellow randomer who lives for the kicks of randoming


                    Why random if you can first pick random shit and build random shit?

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