General Discussion

General DiscussionPhilosophy and dota 2 correlation?

Philosophy and dota 2 correlation? in General Discussion

    What do you think?



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          balance in all things? (for mmr averages)


            or EE's metaphysical ideas coming into shape in his strats fifEE/fifTEE?


              most ppl clearly have little to no idea what philosophy even is so i dont think u should expect an actual answer.
              as for me as i encountered it while studying in school i definitely believe it applies on everything thats happening. dota is a part of everything. whats the correlation? no idea


                One good philosophical dota-related question would be "Does hidden pool exist"?

                meteor hammer

                  the hidden pool definitely exists for in some peoples heads whether its actually implemented in the game or not

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    the trench never ends?




                        If throwing unlosable games and comingback from impossible games are philosophies then im pretty damn fucking philosophical

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          I hate to say this but that is definitely a philosophical type of question


                            well all these my team hold me back, trench never ends, the reason ppl put this much time in dota without having a plan to go pro or make any money out of it, and etc could be explained by psychology and philosophy. it's not about dota anymore it goes to the realm of the human psych

                            Riguma Borusu

                              I hate to say this but that is definitely a philosophical type of question

                              I hate to say this but that is definitely a philosophical statement.

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Yall are overthinking pointless things

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  Go look for a dick shaped cloud in the sky
                                  Sooner or later you'll find it
                                  You'll find everything corelated to something if you think about it
                                  Wether it's important or not is an entirely different story

                                  Yung Beethoven

                                    What in the hell does dota have to do with philosophy?? :D
                                    if you are looking for the most philosophical hero in dota: its arc warden imo

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      oracle says hello


                                        But i believe that everything corellates with philosophy since philosophy is the search for truth