General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips on how to carry harder?

Any tips on how to carry harder? in General Discussion
Friendly player
    I need help on how to carry my extremely good teammates harder? I don't want to be the one holding my team back :( :( :(... !@##$^&&$%@#%^%$&%$@#%^@#&Y$*

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      SOLO MMR

      Forget your carrying.

      Tento komentář byl upraven
      Pink anus

        how tf one has 389 mmr omg ...

        Friendly player

          how tf one spams wr and loses 70% of the games.

          Friendly player

            I need help on how to carry my extremely good teammates harder? I don't want to be the one holding my team back :( :( :(... !@##$^&&$%@#%^%$&%$@#%^@#&Y$*


              if youre just posting this to blame your team and talk shit about the whole "my team sucks" situation, just ignore me please. im trying to gief serious hints but im only 3k, dont expect too much plox.

              1. not the best item choice for that game, i'd go for bkb shivas into bloodthorn or silver edge, maybe mkb. butterfly isnt really bad but more an item for 6th slot. pa and bs are gonna sit in your face and eat your link anyway, you dont really need dmg items here.
              2. 15k net is pretty low for 38minutes as carry, even in a bad game. often times farming and splitpushing is better than defending tier 1/2 towers. unless you have 5 carries, then youre fucked anyway.
              3. you could blame the guy who picks jungle lycan for taking away farm from am and you i guess, but enemy team had a jungle bs and its not really a thing you can avoid, so you will have to deal with taht shit somehow

              Tento komentář byl upraven
              Potato Marshal

                Never go SnY + halberd or manta.


                  throw condoms in trash and fuck dat bitch harder


                    have you tried destroying the enemy ancient harder?

                      Friendly player

                        It was like my second time playing razor so i didn't know much about builds for him. AM needed gold so why should anyone split push, plus enemy had bs.



                          Friendly player

                            bsj is a character from gta sa or smth?


                              If you want a halberd, disassemble the S&Y and take the sange from that. You probably also needed a bkb. Blademail would have been good that game as well. An MKB/Silvers Edge/ Bloodthorn to counter the evasion was needed too. It looks like that PA basically got to do whatever she wanted and nobody could kill her.
                              You were against a bloodseeker so you need a TP scroll. I'd say a TP is more valuable than that wraith band you were still carrying around. They also had better lategame than you so you needed to end fast and not let them get kills early.
                              Overall I'd say it looks like a tough game based just on the heroes you had. Blood is a decent counter to Razor since rupture stops you running people down with static link. AM is pretty bad vs PA, Blood, SB and Morph. Lycan is bad against Blood, PA and SB. Lion is food once they get bkb or morph gets shotgun. WW can't save all of you and is food herself. Also I'd say all of your heroes are currently kinda weak in general (some more than others)

                              A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                its okay arc warden wins all

                                Friendly player

                                  That's the problem dude. Most of my teammates are always farming. We get a kill or few on their most valuable heroes and then i say push, but because they want to finish their item they go back to jungle. And sometimes i lose games just because of that


                                    give someone acc to boost u with 750 avg gpm on sumarry


                                      Aside from your item builds . Perhaps you couldve utilize the strengths of your lineup better like go push as 3 or 4(with lycan) and let am split because the presence you have with wyvern can easily take advantage early on. Try to coordinate your team instead of solo winning the game. Perhaps thats the carry harder mentality you are looking for


                                        Plus your item timings stagnated after halberd. That means you forced things too much and died a lot of times trying to force things like overextending or taking disadvantageous team fights

                                        Friendly player

                                          As i said Lycan didn't take a single tower, all he did was farm, so we cant push. We didn't have normal teamfights as our lycan and AM were always farming something.


                                            if you are playing in low mmr, you can just splitpush with any decent hero and enemies wont even notice, just pick something that can deal significant tower dmg - clinkz, pugna, TB, drow is good, but i think hero too hard for 389 mmr plebo.

                                            Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                              Did you just say morph does well against am?


                                                Lol^. I was thinking the same thing . Am shits on morph .


                                                  have you tried going to the gym?

                                                  Friendly player

                                                    Are you trying to get attention here? Seriously?


                                                      op are u normal guy eho doesnt care about game or ur super stupid autistic kid?


                                                        He probably only plays for fun LUL.


                                                          im just saying, if you want to carry more then you should go to the gym and build up your muscles

                                                          it's simple calculus


                                                            Have we ever meet?

                                                            Hatsune Miku

                                                              ill boost you to 500 mmr for freeeee

                                                              Friendly player

                                                                im almost 900 rn...