General Discussion

General DiscussionHaphazard moderation in forum

Haphazard moderation in forum in General Discussion
Erase Humanity

    I posted a new topic with this subject "What DotA heroes play-styles are most alike" and it was a really cool and insightful research result. This topic is deleted and it wasn't against any of the mentioned rules. It's time to make some change and witness how the quality of content is really low in the forum and how arbitrary moderation influence it. I will suspend all of my future activity here.

    Pale Mannie

      oh, ok


        yeah quality of the stuff posted here is incredibly low indeed, idk/idc about the other things but theres no reason to come here anymore

        all u see is "how to git gud", some cookies bootlicking or hanter complaining about his games, combined with lots of trash talking


          yeah quality of the stuff posted here is incredibly low indeed, idk/idc about the other things but theres no reason to come here anymore
          all u see is "how to git gud", some cookies bootlicking or hanter complaining about his games, combined with lots of trash talking

          Give me an example of a thread that couldn't be something like the quote above.

          chicken spook,,,,

            Ayy lmao
            Seatard thread


              Are you new to the internet?

              You can just skip through 95% of the posts in pretty much any forum.