General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp and tips about climbing solo mmr?

Help and tips about climbing solo mmr? in General Discussion

    Hello everyone.
    Its been a lot im tryng to climb my solo mmr .
    In like 1 year i went from 1.9 to 2.7 (actually whit the international battle pass option for recalibrating).
    That's nothing!
    Im not sayng im a 5k skilled player like but i honestly dont feel i deserve this mmr.
    The feelings i got is pretty bad.
    I explain , my win ratio on mmr games is obv on the 50% ...
    But when i win i have to do a lot for my team any role i do im always the one that use voice chat for leading ; i sacrifice my self (farm and snowballing) for help my feeders teammates. Win theyr lane but this is ok , this is dota.
    But when i loose is so ez for the enemy...
    Got throwers that make pure shit in my team that i cant do so much...
    I really have bad teammates i feel like im coaching every single game.
    Is this just a my feeling?
    Is something about im getting often commended?
    What should i do?


      yesterday I won a match with a solo offlane silencer (0 5 after like 4 minutes), a jungle AM that was raging because no one picked a lane support and kept capslock spamming shit like "IM SUP NOW" while buying wards.

      i first picked roaming SK (cant even play that hero tbh)

      i won just by not tilting and buyinh a shitton of wards. also i made my invoker win his lane hard, in fact he pretty much solo carried the game after i provided him with an easy laningstage.

      in short: stop tilting, the enemy players are most likely as dumb or even dumber then your teammates


        I never tilt!
        I trained my self a lot in this...
        And no my enemyes seems always a bit smarter than my team...
        But they do tilting... Atm my best tact is playng roam and make mid and safe win early for tilting the enemy.
        Idk maybe is just a feeling... i have some good teammates some times.
        But if i compare the wins from the loss there is a huge skill gap between them.

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        Story Time

          flaming never helped


            "flaming never helped"
            Mh ok tnx for the suggestion! :D


              dont play to raise your mmr. play to get better. whenever you feel like you made the next step play ranked for a while

              all it needs to win "normal skill" games is one good carry. be this guy yourself, or if you prefer support, identify the best player in your team and do everything possible to support him. once you are/he is big enough try to encourage the team to group up and apply pressure. if they are retarded and dont group up just go on farming and splitpush until the enemy team pushes, kill them and counterpush.

              my total winrate was about 45% at some point, i raised it to 57 with this mentality.

              my opendota -->

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              chicken spook,,,,

                dont play to raise your mmr. play to get better.

                this, pretty much
                also, playing with your brain really helps


                  Tank you melt this is a good tip!
                  I already feel like i made the step right now (i have 3 games to win in low prio becouse of some black outs lol)
                  I will start play more ranked games.
                  Its like 6 months i really focus on training and getting better i raised a bit but i want to raise more.
                  I read guides when i can and i feel asleep watching pros and streams since 6 months and this changed me a lot as a player.
                  So we can say climb mmr is like fight whit demons,whit all your goodness u have to watch them in the eyes ya? :D


                    you won't climb MMR unless you belong in a higher MMR. So the old adage "git gud" actually makes a lot of sense. And you "git gud" by playing over a period of time, and analyzing your mistakes and learning from them.

                    As others have mentioned, don't tilt, don't flame. You have 0 room for fail.

                    50% of your team will be good, the other 50% will be bad. When you're in the same group, you'll win when you have a good team, and lose when team is bad. IF you're good, you'll manage to carry some of the games where you have a bad team. That's how you get >50% win rate, and climb MMR.

                    Learn to draft and counter-pick. Accommodate team's needs (i.e. give up your role so someone else doesn't play an unfamiliar role, assuming you can play the role).

                    etc etc

                    Potato Marshal

                      I just did the siractionslacks way and spammed a high winrate support.


                        Spam Support is easiest way to climb.

                        ANDREW TATE

                          Just destroy the enemy ancient like what cooky says

                          honor guard

                            spam ES Xd


                              when you belong to a bracket your chance of winning is 50%

                              since you aren't better than your bracket you need teammates to compensate for your lack of skill, so you start noticing how bad they are.

                              so one game you know how to win so you solo carry and don't notice your teammates mistakes, next game you have no idea how to win so you rely on them, so then you notice every mistake they make as it actually becomes detrimental to your chance of success.

                              so the short answer is ''git gud'' or be stuck there forever.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                I did from 1K to 3K within 6 months 👍 No Int ranked recalibrate, just pure grind, some help from double down MMR.
                                Based on what Cookie said, I'm at the point where I'm 50/50 to win. Though I had a rough patch of 8 consecutive MMR games lost(3 were party tho)
                                Just make a point to learn from every game, to improve every game. The climb will come eventually.

                                meteor hammer

                                  next game you have no idea how to win so you rely on them, so then you notice every mistake they make as it actually becomes detrimental to your chance of success.

                                  rly well put


                                    What stops majority of players is tilt.
                                    Remaining calm through out a game will greatly increase your chance of winning.
                                    I've have complete garbage players on my team, but they kept it positive and held the team together, and we pretty much won because nobody gave up.


                                      if your winrate is 50% you belong right where you are, why don't people get it. If you were better than the majority of players at your rank you'd shitstomp games without relying on your team.

                                      O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

                                        Historically, I have had low behavior score. When I started playing pos 4 and even 5, my winrate instantly shot. My mistake in the past was to sololy play safelane, which i am the best at. However, pretty much everyone plays core. I found that its easier to win with shit carries than it is to win with shit supports.

                                        Shit carries can at least do something when they get farm. Shit supports have no farm and end up being a complete liability in game. Plus, when I do get to play carry, I do very well, since I get to play to my potential and have willing supports.


                                          Yeah basically what cuki and every sane person on this forum has been saying. Teammates only matter when u are where you belong. And you are basically right for complaining about your teammates. They definitely matter when you can no longer compensate with your own skill.

                                          It's a scary truth


                                            Stentorian my impression is different.
                                            I would say " you wont climb mmr unless u belongs a far higher mmr".

                                            I dont agree here whit cookie...
                                            U solo carry is pretty wierd.
                                            Im not at 1k where ppl are completely dumb.
                                            Im close to 3k, ppl know wich item counters you, how to set up ganks and how to focus and shot down a farmed carry.
                                            U cant carry your team solo as you guys say.
                                            First becouse if u can carry the game already u had some good supports.
                                            Second becouse if you go whit the solo mentality u will die and throw the game.
                                            I think you underestimate the 2-3k players...
                                            What the players suck in this bracket is the coordination and the teamplay, im the only, REALLY, the only support that stack and pull well and stack ancienta during my warding patterns.They all have this solo mentality u showed now, and is totally bullshit!

                                            For esample. If u make miracle play in a team of 4k against a team of 6k he will loose.


                                              He can win actually, plus i can solo carry 3k with one hand 3ks have no brain


                                                well you have 2222 mmr same like me! i though that mmr is rare