General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat mid heroes rn r good that I'm also good at?

What mid heroes rn r good that I'm also good at? in General Discussion

    Well besides necro tbh I cud win free mmr with him but in case he gets picked or banned or whatever, anything else?





        Riguma Borusu

          bs is a mid stomper if you can last hit

          it's hard to be bad at bs

          meteor hammer

            all u have to do to be bad at bs is amp urself and get stunned tbh


              Where's necro played btw


                I think invoker can stomp as well. Depending on the mmr bracket. at <3k , you dont usually get ganked at mid below 15 mins and the only thing you have to worry about is getting owned by mid (which never happens if you know how to play him).

                Riguma Borusu

                  all u have to do to be bad at bs is amp urself and get stunned tbh

                  Well, the use of amp is kind of the only real skill specific to BS that you need, if I'm against a hero that has heavy nukes or stuns, what I do is, get creeps low, then aggro them close to myself, then amp myself and finish them off to heal up. Otherwise if I am against something like ember, I amp up in the creepwave so he can't chain me, meanwhile I deny and last hit everything I can, so his flameguard doesn't do anything except for pushing the lane in my favor.


                    I suck at bs sometimes
                    I win mid then lose

                    I'm thinking abt just spamming necro and picking storm/ember/tinker/od whatever when necro gets picked

                    Story Time

                      is clinkz finally good mid or neeee?


                        Mid brood


                          od is broken hero

                          go sticks ,lance , then midas if u can , and then go TRAVELS

                          trust me ttavels are op on him
                          then go rod or whatever u need and u soon gona get 3k no joke