General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone help me get a starting Lineup going?

Can someone help me get a starting Lineup going? in General Discussion

    I've been play testing Heroes for the past few days now, I just started and I was hoping to get some heroes that are fluid and easy to work with. I tried Zeus but i immidiately realized that A he's super slow and seceptible to getting picked off in a fight, and B he goes through mana faster then a golddigger goes through a sugar daddy's checking account.

    Really the only hero I played that feels even remotely right to me is Windrunner, Good poke, decent damage and a gtfo button, and maybe keyword MAYBE Sniper only because he can keep a decent range away. So knowing this what other heroes would you recommend?


      if i recall i played riki at the start

      there's no way you can mess up with riki in the start.

      they don't even know what invis detection is.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        ^but problems will arise when you get to the points wherein they will dumpster your invis-hero picking ass, because you'll have never learned to play "properly",always falling back on the invis. But yeah, play Riki for easy wins at beginner level games.
        My first hero in dota 1 was pudge, my first for dota 2(3 year break in between, plus i never truly got deep into dota1, so essentially fresh start when I picked up Dota2) was Chaos Knight, as suggested by a friend, because he's tanky, he can last hit well because of his good base damage, he's got a strong stun and a gap closer, but he has mana problems, which teaches you straight off the bat a basic of the game, managing your character's mana pool. Relatively beginner friendly yet will also get you going on learning about dota's many complexities


          ^ dang I started with chaos knight on dota 2 as well .


            CK is good just buy soul ring for mana problems


              Wr isn't good
              Zeus is
              He dumpsters morons who walk up to him and die

              I'd just pick necro it's free mmr

              Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                ^^ just play necro you can play him even if you don't have a brain