General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy defend?

Why defend? in General Discussion
Story Time

    Why in lower brackets people seem to be obsessed with defending T3? It is like they have no idea that they can farm instead of chain feeding there. Some towers are just not to be defended by traded. Why those monkeys are pinging like hell :D jesus, smurfing is never a good thing to do, so why do i smurf!


      1-2ks don't defend. 3ks defend too much like u describe.


        Dude what in my game this Goon didnt give a fuxk about defending tower except highground. They Going afk farm like a retard


          ^ cuz u are 1-2k bracket that don't defend


            yeah i have this pretty much every game.

            enemy team groups up to take safelane tier 1,i tell everyone to come and take their tier 2 tower. always 1 dude tp's back and dies for no reason instead of trading a far more important tower

            or you are defending highround after a lost teamfight. instead of waiting 10 seconds for allies to respawn, they jump in 2v5 and die. THX, now they can take the other lane of rax, because we cant defend 3v5

            Dire Wolf

              They just don't defend properly, sometimes you should defend. Like two heroes with no escapes will be hitting a t1, so you ping like mad, if 2-3 of you tp in you'll kill them but no one comes, you tp solo and get killed under tower.

              I agree if it's 5 man just farm/trade towers.

              Potato Marshal

                People don't defend enough in my games, you could have creep waves piling up just hitting towers, but you'll have like 3 guys on the team jungling different camps. But I do see the tendency in low MMR matches for everybody to just tp to a tower when they think a fight is about to occur, and they just stand around waiting when it doesn't happen. This happens especially a lot around the mid t1 towers, where both teams will just pace around on their side waiting for the fight to happen.


                  I'd say people dont defend very well and in a coordinated fashion in lower mmr.
                  This is why Clinkz is fairly powerful booster hero. You just go rat when the game doesn't look good and you can either expect:
                  1) Too slow reaction from enemy
                  2) Only 1-2 guys TP back which you can just turn into kills
                  3) They all TP at once infront of you so you just walk away