General Discussion

General DiscussionHow many Na'Vi and Dendi fan guys here?

How many Na'Vi and Dendi fan guys here? in General Discussion
It's ok

    I'm Na'Vi and Dendi fan guy since TI 1 and till now.




        so you admit it that you already old dude?


          Who is na'vi and dendi?


            I start play dotka 2014 I only miracle fangay

            KDA ratio is just a number!!

              i only faker fangay

              chicken spook,,,,

                Not much I would say.

                Friendly player

                  ima techie fan ;| send hulp ;(


                    Used to be Dendi Fans then Miracle existed.


                      Who Dendi? Ah that guy who use bug to win ti?


                        Who cares navi or dendi in 2k17? lmao

                        Pump Cultist

                          I love dendi and na'vi but it's unrealistic that they make a comeback, this new roster is worth watching though I believe.
                          Just can't go wrong with Dendi


                            Thing of the past, let them fade away if they should be.


                              the living trash


                                I saw somewhere "the Na'Vi cycle":
                                Be trash team -> roster change that gives hope to come back , qualify for a few tourneys -> get rekt by real T1 teams in the tourney -> results drop -> trash team
                                It's too true. The best mini-comeback they had was Starladder Invitational 2 when they won, their first tourney win in 2 years. Then back to shite, last place in TI6, etc


                                  Yeah big fan of a team who abused a broken mechanic because they weren't good enough to win by default.
                                  Won't be surprised if they use an item dupe glitch next time they are losing.


                                    since Ti 1 :D

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Dendi did a ton for the game as an ambassador for dota2 and for esports but let's face it, back then the competition was so different, the game was so different. They just can't hang in the current climate.


                                        I start playing dota because of Na'Vi and Dendi replays. And oh God, their plays was exciting

                                        Sad that now they become non factor, but they still have a place in my heart

                                        Also Dendi, you simply can't hate this guy


                                          the guys talking about the broken mechanics prorably never tried it in their lives and are only repeating what loda said in that retarded clip they made for ti
                                          the funny thing is that loda tried it before that event and failed miserably himself, as would 90% of you guys shitting on that "bug"

                                          that was one of the most enjoyable games to watch in the history of dota, and I am not even a dendi fangay to say that
                                          fountain hooks, ass arrows, instant blink razes... the things that make you play dota in the first place were amazing back then

                                          now people see a prize pool of 1M or 25M or whatever it was this year and start playing a game and wonder why its not enjoyable to play, keep on flaming their team mates into obliving and increasing the stress for both themselves and their team mates
                                          what a lovely community to be in


                                            They recently qualified for Starladder Invitational 3(1st tournament of the 2017-18 season, Minor), and they're in the semis of qualification for the PGL Bucharest Minor as well. They're showing signs of life. Crystallize is beasting as carry, and Rodjer is showing the TI form. I still don't understand why Empire let him go


                                              People always say winning TI1 was irrelevant, whereas they always forget they reached the finals in the following two years as well.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Still four tis ago, big difference between the competition at ti3 and ti7. Alliance won ti3 for crying out loud and can't even qualify now.


                                                  tier2 team for years alrdy, its jsut not interesting


                                                    Fan ever since Free to Play movie


                                                      I start to like them when they drop from the top. And now the "next year is ours!" motive. Fuck TI teams!


                                                        there's 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

                                                        low prio master

                                                          He deserve much more respect from community,but kids in these days have no idea what is it.
                                                          He is the best icon we could have,not only for his legendary playes but also for his smile in any situation.


                                                            Master Samsung is my love xD

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                                                            Palmen aus Plastik

                                                              good times back for navi. Rodjer and Crystallise really fit like hand in a glove didnt they? I believe! I have team pennants and shit. xD


                                                                I dont think its possible to hate on navi or takes a special type of dick....its like beating up your grandfather because he is about to die