General Discussion

General DiscussionPacket loss in game - Need Help

Packet loss in game - Need Help in General Discussion

    Hi all, recently i was experienced packet loss only In-Game, it happen around every 10 sec, packet loss will goes to 50++ and slowly reduce to 0, then it come again after few second.
    my internet is 50MB/s , check ping all okay, only playing Dota2 will have this issue
    Re-install steam & Dota done, still having this problem, please anyone can help me on this issue ??

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    Friendly player

      What kind of pro are you talking about? Btw its your internet problem.

      chicken spook,,,,

        I noticed the spikes too today, they last for about 3 minutes and go back to normal for about 10 minutes, and they come back again


          Hi that's was typo, i wanna say any pro pls help me
          Btw I don't think it's internet problem, there is no any lag or spike during i watch movie/downloading/ playing other online game
          Ping&speed tested all fine
          It only happen in Dota2 and only when i am in-game playing