General Discussion

General Discussion1v1 mid SF vs PA.

1v1 mid SF vs PA. in General Discussion

    any advice for SF going against PA in mid.
    it looks like PA has upper hand, literally she is raping SF.
    anyway to beat PA with SF?


      double wave her with razes and just outfarm her with jungle rotations (need to buy clarity)

      at least that seems like the obvious answer

      Tento komentář byl upraven
      Friendly player

        or you can just push the wave and go help ur bois at top or bottom.


          Or u can just put cs and deny her and kill her with raze if she comes close
          Sf rekts this matchup


            A wand with razes should easily destroy a PA

            Ian Lim

              this matchup is not a landslide for pa. you just have to rack up as much souls during the first 2 waves. if you get majority of the early creeps its really hard for pa to comeback in the lane. (assuming its pure 1v1) once you have lvl 2 raze its actually really hard for pa to do shit anymore unless you fuck up hard and right clicking her isnt a problem unless she maxes her evasion. LUL


                well most pa 1v1 max evasion, and you cant raze her properly coz she just blinks on you from distance (you can raze her once with close range raze and from there its just hit trading against 30%+ evasion) and dives you with phase boots

                however sf CAN take requiem at 6

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                Ian Lim

                  ^ most pa 1v1 max evasion? are u kidding me, LOL.


                    well in example i was watching miracle play PA, and he even took evasion at level 1. then i copied him and stomped my lane with lvl 1 evasion.

                    i mean if your goal is to win the 1v1, of course you max the evasion. if your goal is to early teamfight, you do the normal skill build.

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                    < blank >

                      trilane her

                      < blank >


                        stop giving advice if you are not in a position to give advices


                          U literally never max evasion
                          Dagger max always
                          Literally always
                          Second max evasion only if u go MoM


                            except my advice only comes from watching replay of my sf against booster pa or watching other pros playing it smh

                            oh yeah i kinda forgot dagger needs to be maxed now coz of range nerf. but you can still put 1-2 extra points in evasion or even max it 2nd (quote waga on the max it 2nd)

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