General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is Earthshaker's flaw in spite of his massive disable skill kit?

What is Earthshaker's flaw in spite of his massive disable skill kit? in General Discussion

    This hero are being picked a lot ever since TI7, he is very flexible hero that can be played as roamer, offlaner spamming W against melee, or nuker with shadow blade and W abuse, he is being literally picked in every games I played and I don't remember encountering Earthshaker this often.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      nothing really. if you dont kill him first literally every fight you cant do shit.


        without blink dagger es is shit


          a shitty player


            pick clockwerk and start him


              es is fucking broken hero


                ES is good when the game gives you the better team.

                ES can't solo carry when you're handed the worse team in higher mmr games.

                I've also found that ES is better as roamer than offlaner (which doesn't preclude the fact that he's a very good offlaner). He doesn't really need any items beyond the dagger to win. Whereas heroes like pitlord or void need items to be useful.

                Dire Wolf

                  His flaw? Idk, that he's melee I guess? The hero is insane, there's only a couple heroes in the game that automatically warrant a bkb purchase on my carry regardless of what the rest of team has- Invoker, Storm, sometimes Puck, Earthshaker. It's a short list.

                  Dire Wolf

                    He can fissure you, 1.75 seconds, blink in and enchant totem for 1.5 second stun, when that wears off echo slam, 1.5 second stun, two seconds later enchant is off cd and a second 1.5 second stun. That's 6.25 seconds of stun in 8.25 seconds. Shit's insane. And that's without the cd reduction talent.

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Relatively squishy but that's about it tbh


                        I think he need to be nerfed in terms of stun duration and maybe buff his strength up a little bit.


                          Low armour, shitty mana early game ( cuz the stun s quite OP, i ll give him that), funny cast animation ( again, OP stun).


                            rather immobile i think


                              Long cast animations

                              meteor hammer

                                hes not squishy though xd

                                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                  Bad positioning, bad timing (jumping in too early or too late) - timing and positioning are more important for this hero than (some) other heroes.


                                    He doesn't farm fast. That's literally all. Top3 most broken heroes of this patch.


                                      ES is good with good teammate, He doesn't do shit on his own.


                                        If you don't catch him before a fight starts it's basically impossible to play against. His jump is instant so you can't bkb reactively and stuns for like 4+ seconds and does fuck loads of damage,