General Discussion

General DiscussionI guess i have to do this also

I guess i have to do this also in General Discussion

    Well, this topic was created to anounced my happiness of joining this great blue start club.
    And with that i would like to share little story, if someone would be interested.

    So first of all i played dota1 for quite some time, and when dota 2 was on stage, i was conservative and still played dota1 until 2013 i finally moved, but when i did so, i played for fun only, didint even know what ranked is, so just did some random stuff basically, and then it all started. I calibrated at around 3k both party and solo, and was pretty much in that bracket, until i hit 4k, but then i stopped playing dota for like 2 years, and when i returned i got back to very flat 3k again, but then i found out about jungle. I mostly played ursa/legion/lifestealer and later troll, and had solid 60% wr with all of them, while with ursa i was completely stomping games up until i reached 4896 mmr, then new meta came, with all nerfs to jungle, and i had no other way to boost or be competative at level i reached, i got down to like 4200 again, while i slowly changed my play style to mostly playing riki offlane.
    And after all the hard work and thousands ours spending under this game i did it, so what now?
    Probably fallout 4, or hitman, never had time for them cause of try harding dota :D


      So you're the proof that anyone can reach 5k with the time ?


        no man, i am confident with my riki :)
        i had it around 50% wr, and as my mmr went higher, riki wr also went so. With riki i really won very many games, maybe i am not stomping games so easy as i did it with ursa before, but i know im good with it.
        And very many games i lose with him, are games when team puts me out of comfort zone, they take another core for offlane, as for them riki is not good for offlane, then i must roam, have no farm etc.
        if you check
        my riki games, almost all offlane cores are won , so i believe that cant be random, while talking about my other skills, i admit, that i am not the best with it, for example when i buy fairy fire or how that item is called, i almost always forget to use it :D so there is still a lot of room where to improve


          Why dotabuff is not updating my mmr, in dota it is 5k, i want my blue star now

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            LuL you gotta play one more ranked game so it updates


              I dont want :(
              Also in game it is updated to 5k, just in dotabuff it isnt