General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do ppl pick pugna offlane

Why do ppl pick pugna offlane in General Discussion

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    Jimmy McGill

      To play pugna offlane


        because the copy everything they see in pro matches, without knowing the specific matchups that are needed to make uncommon picks like pugna offlane work




            its not an uncommon pick, its just generally good


              What does he do in the offlane?


                lasthit creeps and tries not to die


                  he gives the succ


                    Whats his job in the offlane and why ppl pick him rather than other offlaner

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      lasthit creeps and tries not to die


                        Dotabuff is dead

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Just go add cutnpaste or whoever blue star around here and pm them or some shit


                            high movespeed and decrepfy also helps him to survive, fast exp to get lvl 6 and kill carrier, but i dont feel like its right either


                              Cuki :thinking:

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                Can confirm, just add notable blue star on Dotabuff and get answers to questions easy. You don't have to filter and suspect the answers because you know they're from a good source. Cutnpaste does it when he's not in game.


                                  i got jd and cookie
                                  even spunki
                                  jk why ask them, just get advice from benao

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    spam dec on the carry and they will get tilted

                                    < blank >

                                      take mid hero,
                                      play it offlane



                                        Welcome to high skill


                                          You either play him mid or offlane, hes not a lane support.


                                            take mid hero,
                                            play it offlane

                                            Alchemist offlane Kappa


                                              the hero is super fast like faster than some heroes with boots when he doesnt have boots. His attack range is super far so he can hit the safe lane carry without triggering aggro creeps.


                                                Only 6k is real blue star

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  pugna is actually pretty hard to kill and go on
                                                  he can safely push out the wave and last hit creeps (impossible to deny against pugna once he gets some levels)
                                                  he can either force 1-2 supports to stay in the lane, or have them leave since they cant do anything so their carry dies

                                                  he is like dark seer except not useless in 95% of games

                                                  but you have to make sure the carry and supports in the lane dont counter you in some way, if they pick well against you, it is not like you will be able to accomplish t o much in that lane (you still should not feed tho)

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                                                    Clap PogChamp real answer


                                                      Except 15 heroes, everybody else has 20 or lower ms. So pretty much hard to catch, as pugna will start with windlace and boots will be first buy.

                                                      Except 8 heroes, everybody has 30 or lower attack range. So hard to trade.

                                                      Can save herself with decreptify.

                                                      One of the best early tower taker in game.

                                                      Strong heal/nuke. Cna sustain. Cripple enemy casters with spells.

                                                      I played vs her mid yesterday and it was pretty awful.


                                                        you don't need much to have a huge impact and he's just a broken hero this patch

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                                                          Pugna is fun hero

                                                          TEACH ME HOW TO LOSE (PLS)

                                                            watched a replay on pugna offlane it's too fun and you can't lose (almost)

                                                            dont be thrilled by this ...

                                                              for me, i wanna use his ability (nether blast) to farm which as a lane supp ill never use it for farm at least for 10 mins or more of babysitting. also this powerful magic can harass the shit out of enemy carry.
                                                              a farmed oblivion can make fast aether/aghs and other items and become a cancerous hero... aside with that, u get more exp and maybe some towers cuz u can just push with Q. its all about economy!
                                                              and he has no lockdown or silence ability and his slow makes enemy ethereal which most carries cant do dmg to em, so i cant consider him a good lane supp, except if theres a solo low hp offlaner to be ezily zoned out by your Q+W ...

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                ^pugna is actually an amazing lane support with juggernaut, decrep + spin just outright murders people, and people often underestimate how effective this is, not to mention that pugna can zone from huge range and can kite almost all offlane heroes

                                                                however what pugna can't take is a direct trade, meaning there's no way he trades directly with a windranger or a mirana or a melee hero that can actually close distance, hit him and builds PMS (like legion), since a lot of trading will have to be via right clicks as support pugna doesn't get a large mana pool fast, nor does it have good mana sustain (like a mid pugna would get)

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                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  Hello I'm 16 and I go to collage


                                                                    It's good. Used to play it like that way before pugna became meta


                                                                      Hard to kill, doesnt need to go base after fights. Fits general offlaning and meta. You need a frontlining mid or carry tho, he sits in the back in fights. Pick him with ranged elusive rightclickers and you get shit on by any half descent enemy probably