General Discussion

General DiscussionRandom s.hit

Random s.hit in General Discussion
low prio master

    Supports are these who making community better,think about yourself if youre only carry player who just always trying to find what others have done wrong,rude,arrogant its definition of most carry players,chat wheel we need wards whenever is not 4 wards planted...etc
    I found way how to manipulate with you,that first step is a key to turn match to friendly fest instead of let your carty being rude.Be nice honest and talkative,dont think community is trash youre the part,butterfly effect is real,your own behaviour have huge impact on your games,i know what i talking about,otherwise thats why we have hidden pool trying to separate these guys.
    If you getting reports constantly,you need to change.
    Than you guys will not feel as trash after even lose game.
    Make community better this is goal all of us,we want to be proud of game and community we playing in.Show this awesome game friends and play together - its much easier with nice people.Dota is real,it would be here forever somehow,but its so sad reading coments in steam or whereever about game you love - the worst community!! Really sad especially in game like dota which is in special case of game business.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno



        For carry players:
        I've found that simply selecting your carry, marking safelane, and saying, "I will commend all supports" results in a positive team experience. People will pick supports and will be positive as the game starts. NEVER say "me mid" or "i carry". These sorts of statements will make supports pick carries. Their reasoning is: "He/she can't use basic grammar, so how can he/she play carry effectively? That person should just go jungle with that Luna pick or something."

        Doing this ensures that you always get the <3 reports on the Conduct Summary and the ability to play a carry with a lane support.

        chicken spook,,,,

          Lol no deluded people are deluded no matter what role they play


            mid or dual mid

            meteor hammer



                i found that saying "ill share 2 tabhos with mid"
                and loudly screaming "HELLO SWEETHEARTS" creates a relaxed atmosphere in game

                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  As a dedicated support, I really don't do anything manipulative to the team, I am playing with my honest opinion. Always telling what I think and asks the team for opinions

                  If a carry (or any other role for that matter) is being uncomfortable I try to assist him. I asks him what wrong
                  If they for example are bothered by the placement of wards, I asks them where do they think I should ward, and take notes

                  Nobody by no mean is perfect, yet anybody has a grasp of their intention and anyone wants to win. Me neither knows anything. And I think the best thing I can do is gather as much grasp of my team's need and idea and execute them

                  Even if we lose, we are a team, and we lose as a team, everybody contributes to the outcome

                  I report only intentional trolls, those who specifically came to a game to lose. Else I really not bothered by their behavior
                  And I commend alot, anyone I think that deserves it, abd it doesn't have to be the one with the best impact, but rather those who did what they can to create a more comfortable environment for the team. And I never announce that, commends should not be a pride
                  Maybe it's my Jewish blood, but the most paramount importance a human can have is matan b'seter - secret charity


                    But nice and successful people dont play D O T A 2 so,,

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      the support circlejerk is this way ->>>


                        I don't do any of that nonsense. Assert dominance. Tell your support to fuck off. Get commended anyway

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Tell your teammates to fuck off. Get commended anyway*


                            All support players deserve their dick getting sucked for the rest of their lives /thread

                            Riguma Borusu

                              my last game I had a griefing IO that would actually last hit ancients while I am farming

                              I mean sven has higher damage so I can stop him from doing this but I should not be trying to contest last hits to my support, then he ended up relocating me into the enemy team when 3 of our teammates are dead.

                              Supports are the worst pieces of shit that exist on earth.

                              How's that for a rebuttal?


                                I hate the support players in my games except myself.

                                Mlada i Luda

                                  STOP DREAMING , kid . doesnt help. you have to realise that retards like diox for example, are majority in dota community ( probably in entire world). nothing you can do about it, dont try to change it , jsut DEAL WITH IT.


                                    And that, Mafioso, is why you're sub 45% winrate and <2.5K MMR.

                                    FREE PALESTINE

                                      My 1k supports are always messing with the lane and last hits lul

                                      FREE PALESTINE

                                        And omniknight players are total dicks


                                          Im never trust support except my self...
                                          Most of the time support basically useless as fvck. I play supp because playing carry with terrible supp is total nightmare


                                            Supports at every mmr mess up the lane for their carry. Trust me. Ask any carry from 1-6.5k



                                              im good supp thoug, suck me

                                              ez Art

                                                main supp here, i facepalm a lot with my carries, but i know they have a very fragile ego so i try to not flame them too much.

                                                meteor hammer

                                                  Supports at every mmr mess up the lane for their carry. Trust me. Ask any carry from 1-6.5k

                                                  whether u pull or not pull ur carry will wish u did the opposite

                                                  if u stay in lane "why are you here", if u gank mid "why are you abandoning me"

                                                  carry players smh

                                                  Story Time

                                                    life is hard on all sides. Supports just get less gratification in the end. I think everyone should switch roles from time to time so they know what the roles are about and not forget that. So play 1 game as sup 1 as roamer 1 as carry