General Discussion

General DiscussionFunniest Joke 2017

Funniest Joke 2017 in General Discussion

    Leshrac is a viable, good hero

    Pale Mannie

      Wyvern at TI

      chicken spook,,,,

        haha so funny xDdddDddDddddd im rolling on the floor laughing rn good shit good shit 👌😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


          leshrac is ok
          Krappa bws triggered

          idk what half the champio...

            Man I miss lesh mid, higher skill ceiling then necro atleast

            ROAD TO HERALD 0

              Want to hear a joke?

              Undying in 2017 OMEGALUL

              Story Time

                dota 2 is still a thing!

                meteor hammer

                  ppl who pick gyro/lesh/slark in ranked make me wanna off myself

                  Johnny Rico

                    Gyro is good, its been 2 years since someone played him, people dont know what the hero does

                    meteor hammer

                      i know exactly what he does

                      he loses games

                      meteor hammer

                        yeah guess what stats dont fucking lie 99% of the people picking np in 5k are straight awful and lose games for their team

                        way to "disprove" me, like you should give one tenth of a shit about tournament picks over winrate in pubs


                          A lot of people pick NP for jungle when they dont get the core role, thus those stats are quite biased.
                          I dont have a lot of practice with NP but I think if ur macro is good and know when u can pick it offlane and not get punished, you can easily carry the game by early ganks with your W, killing couriers and cutting waves/splitpushing.

                          meteor hammer

                            when you sort by offlane np has 47% winrate in 5k

                            meteor hammer

                              yeah if you play np really well the heroes good but guess what people play like goons, if they just picked pitlord or nyx or some goon hero they could have 53% winrate for free


                                I think if we could split 5-6k and 6k+, it would be above 50% or at least higher in 6k+

                                Crying while looking at my nyx 47% wr :(

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                                meteor hammer

                                  dude i love nyx so muhc

                                  any offlaner that hits 6 and kills ppl is my jam

                                  thats why i like nyx/cw this patch and my old favorite was off void


                                    Teach me your ways :D
                                    I also like the hero a lot. When I used to play him, I often secured early kills on all lanes, got a lot of items yet I felt that I cant do much late game if my 1 and 2 make some bad moves. I felt like Im having low impact and nyx is more of a support hero now, rather than offlane

                                    meteor hammer

                                      idk i win somehow :V

                                      some of its probably luck but the hero does so much damage to int cores from such a range and has like 6 seconds of aoe stun with blink+aghs, you can long range stun from burrow with ridiculously low cd

                                      if my team gets an early lead we usually dont throw, plus nyx helps a lot with scouting, interrupting tps, and can save ppl sometimes because he has so much cc

                                      meteor hammer

                                        it helps that i usually pick him against pugna and necro and u can almost solo win by just bashing your head against the w key


                                          cool and good

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            cool and good

                                            Fee Too Pee

                                              Huskar does not suck

                                              meteor hammer

                                                huskars obnoxiously good with ppl who pick lich/oracle/omni

                                                its so triggering to play against


                                                  Huskar is much fun
                                                  Like legit everyone in my bracket is like "waaah huskar is the easiest hero BabyRage" and all it does is make me lmao
                                                  Coming out of fights with 50 hp and winning every time = no skill SeemsGood


                                                    Actually it's so funny, cuz huskar is the definition of a hero who sucks in low MMR where people don't know when to pick and how to play and yet has a 53% Winrate in 5k+ cuz people actually play him well and pick him well

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      new joke

                                                      nehaviour score works well because it puts people who have similar playstyles against one another

                                                      except for people for grief and feed from minute 0 are apparently behaved the same way as people who just abandon games they do not really feel like finishing

                                                      similar playstyles my ass


                                                        i mean who r u to determine if games r worth finishing?
                                                        idk all im saying is, who r u to force a specific outcome on ur teammates and even the enemy?

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          idk all im saying is, who r u to force a specific outcome on ur teammates and even the enemy?

                                                          one of the 10 players playing the game

                                                          when my safelane carry destroys his items and afks in base, you can bet your ass I will abandon if I am playing a support
                                                          when my teammate NP starts tping to the enemy fountain, you can bet your ass I don't want to finish that game
                                                          when my io support griefs me but I am the hard carry I will still try to keep up and win but in the end even that game is something I should have abandoned

                                                          stupid me for staying for almost an hour of suffering, trying to reason with a griefer

                                                          what people don't realize is that time is a finite resource, and time spent trying to win games that your teammates have decided they don't want to win (and will do everything for the contrary) is already wasted

                                                          I wanted to play dota, not a griefing simulator, i barely get any reports, I get a fuckton of commends and I don't flame people in general (I even mute ragers and flamers), so how is abandoning games your teammates don't want to win equivalent to people who grief from minute 0? Valve thinks it is. I don't think so.

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