General Discussion

General DiscussionWHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BEAR???

WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BEAR??? in General Discussion

    What the FUCK is this abomination that is Lone Druid's changes.

    1) bcry reduced to flat 45
    So ur saying that every 45 seconds I can get a FREE tower and give my bear and druid
    BONUS DAMAGE: 70 / 100 / 130
    BONUS ARMOR: 10 / 15 / 20
    for five seconds. This basically just gives you a reason to end the game in half the time on bear build, and also makes a mom pickup quickly after your first big item well worth it.

    Thank god they didn't change the lvl 10 talents they are fine but the talents are just a hot mess. They moved the lvl 25 talents to lvl 15 and mixed/matched them.

    It basically looks like icefrog is trying to make a clear divide between bear and ranged specifically by way of talent changes.

    lvl 15 talents)
    If you're going bear build then naturally you want the +10 armor, if you're ranged you want the savage roar cd which is actually interesting because that means at lvl 15 you're going to have a 12 second savage roar cd. ranged build was already elusive enough with rabid but now you're basically just making the druid extremely harder to kill. At least this benefits you greatly against hard counters like pa so that you can keep her off of you for much longer during fights. 10 armor is actually great at lvl 15 because you're prob going hg around that time so it makes breaking hg easier.

    lvl 20 talents)
    This one is actually interesting. This is basically saying that lone druid should now focus less on investing on attack speed items in the long run and just go for damage, as the +40 attack speed is quite a lot both for the druid and the bear. But at the same time -25 bcry cd is INSANE.
    I had recently wrote an essay on why bcry is so good, but this basically makes it so that on bear build, breaking hg is a BREEZE.
    every 20 seconds, you will be able to give your bear (that already has +10 armor with the 10 talent), 130 damage + demolish and 20 armor for five seconds. In other words that bad boy will have 30 armor from passive abilities ALONE, god forbid you buy an ac.
    Did the enemy team blow their ults trying to kill the bear the first time because your bear is now a monster truck? Oh yeah, no problem just wait 15 fucking seconds and do it exactly again.

    Now the 25 talents are actually so stupid, but like how often do you reach lvl 25 right?
    lvl 25 talents)
    ZERO root cd, you thought you were strong mr. ember/storm spirit cause you had your fancy ultimate? Yeah enjoy being permarooted with my +40 attack speed on rabid bear.
    SPELL IMMUNITY on bcry? Yeah have fun defending highground you non-ld picking losers when I come at your base with my bear that has:
    +30 armor
    +130 damage + demolish + bear damage items
    +mom active (so basically moonshard)

    I haven't read the rest of the patch notes but they definitely buffed tower defense so all these changes make ld all the more viable.
    I haven't checked items either so I will write something about that later if asked.

    tl;dr Lone Druid has been buffed to where the bear build is insanely stronger than it ever was before, and now the bear is officially known as the "destroyer of high ground" with the new talent changes

    Hope you don't have to play against my lone druid in pubs or else you better hold on to your towers .l.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      tbh ld looks op
      ive already seen games where the bear was unkillable and wud just endlessly siege
      this just seems nuts

      Cheap Laugh Guy



          Would be a nice nod to dong if the name "alfredo" is actually made canon


            Just saying, no matter if you are playing bear or ranged, you take armor for bear level 15. You need it if you play bear.
            And well, you don't want to chain feed your naked bear either when you play ranged


              dont forget high grouind buildings are more buffed now


                And well, you don't want to chain feed your naked bear either when you play ranged
                The armor doesn't change anything for ranged really. If you're bad at Lone Druid and microing the bear, then you're going to feed the bear regardless of whether or you have +10 armor. It's more relevant for bear build where you need all the ehp you can get on it when taking fights/towers.
                Although if you are stomping and you have no concern for survivability maybe go armor talent anyways as a why not to help with ranged build's weak high ground breaking ability.

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                mid or safe farm

                  Just started learning ld,any tips ? @LoneDog


                    Well I have this which is basically a guide I started a while ago and have been writing very slowly.
                    I included both my item builds, I almost always follow them as written.
                    Learn bear build first please cause if you learn ranged first you develop really bad habits that I see all the time. Like you can generally tell a ranged only player apart from a regular player based on their positioning and item/objective priority.
                    Also your first power spike is at lvl 5 so figure out how you want to use that to your advantage.
                    Basically everything I have on the guide. The only thing I am missing is an explanation of the item choices and laning stage but that can also come from experience which is just as fine.


                      IF want bdog back but gives 6 ban so they can ban all 3 of his hero pool.


                        Dude can u drop your steam link i want to be better in ld iwant to aalyze and see ur ld games plss lemme add you


                          I added u on steam accpt me plzz xD they nerf my fcking warden,need ld to spam xD


                            You cant lose with ld anymore


                              Lemme be ur disciple sir


                                Dude ur guide is amazing 1st time knowing about that double root thingy,i totaly suck at playing the bear build i suck microing druid with bear build ,can u make guide about the bear build,itemizations,kudos to to you meyn


                                  Solid 38% er


                                    Fuck. If only I cared enough about this hero.