General Discussion

General Discussion7,07 still junglers?

7,07 still junglers? in General Discussion
Story Time

    Just had a game with a jungler last game. Feels like bad idea now. Also bs going naked radiance is amazingly silly. What do you think guys?

    Pale Mannie

      everyone in turbo mode wants to jungle for some reason


        they will never stop.


          Not everyone reads patch notes I guess. Or they’d rather have subpar farm as a core than have an impact as a support


            Thats why i changed nickname and abandon every game after kill for jungler to get -25 and play in low priority and i feel much beter


              I swear to god in 90% of the games I've had a jungler since 7.07 came out, mostly LCs. Some games ago I told my Enchantress "how can you even jungle in this patch, creeps spawn at min 1" "ez afk 1 min". But of course, who needs exp, midas, to contest the carry in the offlane, to rotate, to gank mid, let's just afk. I can't even, it's like this patch literally pushed people to jungle more.

              Story Time

                this meta is about securing farm and junglers reject this idea


                  Wraith King is a good jungler now with his new reworked E


                    Its not about the ability so clear the jungle quickly. Many heroes can so that. Its about loosing all lanes because you play dota 4v5 while one moron plays farming simulator vs neutrales


                      It's about ability to outfarm the carry on the other side whether he be in lane or not. Its about ability to get strong and tanky to help out in teamfights giving whoever is inlane alone all the exp and farm they want.


                        ^u literally cant outfarm someone in the jungle by urself
                        ur team will outfarm them, but thats only if they do ok in lane, and they most likely wont cuz theyre 4 and the enemy is 5
                        u may have some farm, but the enemy team is snowballing and the rest of ur team has shit
                        wtf will u do now

                        Insert C01n

                          I'm just wondering how heroes like Chen are played now. Do you gank/herass straight after you took the first creep or something else?