General Discussion

General Discussion720p Low vs 1080p Ultra

720p Low vs 1080p Ultra in General Discussion

    Do u guys think players playing with good resolution and high settings have an advantage over players playing on a low setting ?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Yes, I once played with the rendering(or sth?) set to below 50%
      Things were like 360p and weird ass pixels were coming towards me, then it hit me, it was an arrow.
      Tilted so hard, never played 360p ever since.


        You merely adapted to 360p 10fps.

        I was born in it.

        Moulded by it.

        I didn't see 1080p 120fps until I was already a man.

        By then it was nothing to me but blinding.


          If I wanted to play Minecraft, I'd play fucking Minecraft.