General Discussion

General DiscussionAeon Disk Weaver

Aeon Disk Weaver in General Discussion

    I have not done a lot of testing, and I must admit I am super biased against linken's on weaver since I hated building it before, but I feel like aeon disk will be much better than linken's on weaver, it fills a similar purpose by breaking him out of a stun or other initiation, but it is cheaper and I believe provides weaver with more stuff that he needs. Weaver does not need regen because he does not spend a lot of time in fights, he either dies or wins the fight most of the time, he does not have time to regen in a fight. But some health and mana straight up ensures he can live and do things in a fight. The stats are nice on a linkens but the extra cost of linkens essentially accounts for that loss of stats. Weaver also is a hero that would like a desolator, and desolator is better the earlier you get it, so a cheaper alternative to linkens is something weaver would like.
    It may not be the best choice every game, but I think it will be a common pickup on weaver.

    Riguma Borusu

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen

      Weaver does not need regen


        Doesn't he at least need mana regen to spam his spells? I'd hate to think what would happen if he had no mana for a Shukuchi.


          weaver needs regen
          because weavers counter is incremental dmg over lengthier times
          low dmg over long time means weaver wont have a meaningful shukuchi, he wont be healing that much dmg
          regen counters DoT


            also is mana dependent soo

            Optimus Drip

              *read "RPQ-sama 35 minutes ago"*

              shit he made a good point control+ c

              control +v

              Potato Marshal

                Aeon disk is so bad since it'll almost always trigger when you don't want it to. One nuke or right click when you're under 80% hp and it goes into cooldown for 100 seconds. It's so bad for an item that's nearly 4k.


                  at least i EXPLAIN u dumb fucking turkey

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    >implying people in dotabuff need explanation to understand :thinking:


                      ^implying people in dotabuff understand anything


                        ok yeah weaver likes mana regen, but I feel like striaght up mana is about as good for him, ezpecially if you get an aquila which covers most of his mana regen needs and is just a good item. I have no idea what you are talking about with the incremental damage over a lengthier time as a counter to weaver, maybe just because I am not at high mmr, but in general I feel like I only dies as weaver when get initiated on with a stun and burst down with possible a second stun to keep me there. That scenario is exactly why I like aeon disc. The weakness of dots is generally in finishing off a hero anyway, you have to keep them applied, and weaver is really good at leaving an engagement, so I feel like applying dots to weaver is a waste because he will run out of the fight and not care. Maybe dots counter aeon disc, except they don't, they get purged off, and then weaver at 80% hp can continue to fight and usually weaver can kill people fast enough to make sure they would not get a second wave of dots applied on him. (this is assuming you actually care about dots, which might be true, but I have not experienced it myself so understand my skepticism). One thing to keep in mind is that I definitely don't think this is an always pick-up like linken's is supposed to be, but I think it has a good chance to see play over linken's in some games, especially if they buff aeon disc, which seems likely since everyone says it sucks.


                          From pipe to aeon disk
                          People really don't like weave man eh

                          зачем я начал поиск

                            Just buy Euls.


                              Why the hell you would think Aeon disk would be better on weaver than linken ?

                              The only thing i would consider is getting early bkb against strong disables/silences eg. Disruptor. Or raw hp against your direct counter - Void.


                                non sense


                                  Coroner where are u?


                                    ok so if you look at the winrates, aeon disk has an insane one across all heroes, so maybe the fact that it has a higher winrate than linken's on weaver is because nobody knows how to deal with it and it has an inflated winrate in general. But looking at linken's it has a less than 1 percentage point difference in winrate from aeon disc, while on weaver the difference is about 3 percentage points. This only shows if you look at this week and not the last month because weaver's winrate has fallen a lot in the past week or two, and his linken's winrate went with it, but aeon disc is winning on weaver with the same frequency as linken's if we include when weaver had a positive overall winrate. Keep in mind I am not saying linken's is bad on weaver, just that there is a chance aeon disc is better either conditionally or in general.

                                    Oh and I did not mention earlier but aeon disk gives status resistance passively which helps weaver a lot by reducing duration on all status effects and so giving him more chance to escape from what would otherwise be death in circumstances where neither linken's nor aeon disc would activate, which is kind of a unique and incredibly powerful effect, even if the main effect has a long cooldown and is a little hard to ensure works well.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      ^maybe its because people troll aeon disk on weaver when theyve already won the game
                                      if its not bought that often the winrate is meaningless cuz its usually crap u buy for trolls after u won
                                      just look at dagon winrate or smth

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        I used to buy double veil on abaddon when I was winning really hard, just so I would have the mana to spam my shit and tank T4 and fountain when diving, because it was the only 2k gold armor item I could complete at the base

                                        but guess what even if I have 100% winrate with that build it does not mean that it wins games


                                          It's posts like these that made me lose faith in this forum.

                                          Low Expectations

                                            testing > normal mmr hmmmmmmm mkay