General Discussion

General DiscussionAeon Disk Wraith King

Aeon Disk Wraith King in General Discussion
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    Aeon Disk Wraith King

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    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Aeon disk wraith king to you too

      Story Time

        or maybe Aeon Disk on Huskar? How about that?

        < blank >

          King Wraith Disk Aeon


            The cd is waay too long


              It's completely garbage. You can't deal damage while aeon disk is active and it's literally just an extra 2 seconds of mana burn so that your ult wont proc. Aeon disk is to avoid being bursted down so you can get off spells. if your getting bursted down as a wk its better to just die quickly so your ult procs and comeback 3 seconds later.


                get it on axe

                Riguma Borusu

                  when will people stop trying to fit this item onto every hero jesus christ

                  this item is only good on select few heroes and most of them are supports that absolutely need to get their spells off to be useful in a fight

                  even then the item is really weak because there are easy ways to play around it, deal 20% damage, then use hex silence or whatever on a target

                  i think the item needs a serious buff like making the target magic immune, untargetable or some shit, because dealing with this really expensive item is way too easy most games

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    yea the recipe cost is too high.

                    even radiance doesn't cost that much.

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      Aeon Disk Wraith King


                        Why not build storm hammer rather than that retarded disk?

                        Story Time

                          why not build the WALL around the ancient so no one can destroy it? Summoning Trump!