General Discussion

General DiscussionYo let's talk about this piece of sht lion

Yo let's talk about this piece of sht lion in General Discussion

    fckng op hex cast point killed 999999999 times as storm im fckng using game mechanics to win the game but this piece of sht lion hex is op i fckng tried to pull him on his back then he just turned around and cast the motherfckng hex on me how's that balance? cast point and turn rate is not enough to fckng cast my pull

    doc joferlyn simp

      God I wish there was an item that can make a hero spell-immune, if only for a few seconds so as not to be completely irrelevant during teamfights. Hmm...

      For real though man if you went pentacore you deserved to lose. Is it literally so hard to play a support hero when team has 3+ cores already? Look at the enemy team. Had a quadcore lineup with a solo Lion, beat your pentacore lineup 53-22 in 30 minutes. Hope this serves as a lesson

      Pale Mannie


        Tento komentář byl upraven

          i last pick cos we don't have mid and no one wants mid we at least need only courier and you know before you even buy linkins or a bkb you'd die billion times

          зачем я начал поиск

            A pretty good lineup, item timings, superb Dota overall.


              Linkens sphere, bkb
              Ur welcome


                I thought you were complain about a salty player but it seems i was wrong.


                  I'm complaining about 0s cast time on hex

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    You're missing the point of my earlier post. The problem here isn't the 0s cast time hex. It's your team's insistence at being a pentacore lineup. That shit costs you games regardless if you are against a 0s cast point spell

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Is it even Hex if it doesn't have 0 cast time?


                        Literally the whole point of the ability

                        Zero's resurrection

                          I watched your game. The times lion got you were either clear baits or you had no vision up. If I were in this situation I would just buy my own wards. Your mmr is higher than mine but im just pointing out what I felt could've affected your chances to win. Gl.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Easiest kill of my life on Lion as a Storm,orch before you land and gg

                            Riguma Borusu

                              ^this requires you to have vision of lion meaning a shadowblade or glimmercape lion completely counter you (even if you have a gem, the shadowblade to fog + blink from fog still kill you).


                                I'm personally glad that Lion at least can be a better pick again. He fell off hard the previous few patches because he was incredibly linear and didn't seem to excel at anything that other heroes could do better in.

                                It'll be annoying now but as you get used to it, it'll get easier to deal with.


                                  slark is now unplayable with that change tho
                                  like complete dogshit territory, as if he wasnt bad enough before
                                  i forgot abt that interaction and got completely dismantled


                                    welp i learned my lessons mid game and it's too late since we're already falling behind and losing that is to cast pull while on ball and miss the first hit


                                      NOT MY PROBLEM