General Discussion

General DiscussionRoshan before min 0

Roshan before min 0 in General Discussion
Story Time

    Can you still kill rosh with 2-3 heros before the first rune? Or before min 1 at least?


      with ursa + wisp + something its easy


        ursa wk lone druid


          inx4cc my man <3


            ursa enigma witch doctor natur beastmaster clears it around 0:25 before horn


              Ursa LD and Io

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                Yes, you need some way to deal damage while sustaining yourself

                Ursa for example, with life steal from wraith king, can out-lifesteal the damage of Roshan if he can sustain himself for the first few hits, loke with some heal or someone who would tank before him

                  Tento komentář byl smazán

                    Ursa + mirana is the easiest way to take rosh min 0.

                    chicken spook,,,,


                      7.06 calls, they want you back


                        Is mirana not working anymore?


                          How does Mirana help in killing rosh.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Tried it in turbo mode with people tanking, backing out and buying a salve, but we couldn't do it. I think the ursa let his swipes stacks drop.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              mirana can disable rosh for 5 seconds while you are pounding on him so there's that


                                lich frost armor or furion creeps can also help


                                  bear and ursa


                                    Abandons shield/wk's life steal and some type of creep to tank, i.e. treents or bear, plus you should have a few salves to make sure


                                      Didn't try it, but you should be able to do it. Not sure if before horn is enough time. You might finish it a little bit after the horn.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        it is enough time but usually you have to smoke from the fountain