General Discussion

General DiscussionTop end seasonal matchmaking

Top end seasonal matchmaking in General Discussion

    Purely academic based on my MMR but any ideas how this can work?

    As far as I can see, if you set the calibration limit low to prevent boosters then you'll end up with 9ks playing with 4ks

    If you set it high then you just end up with a boosting economy on steroids and 9ks playing with 4ks.

    I suppose Valve can limit the jump available in calibration to a small amount but in that case account sellers can boost a number of accounts by just playing 10 games every 4 months.

    Needs to be something like limit calibration at 3.5k and exempt accounts above 5k from calibration.

    Seems totally ripe for abuse/rubbish matchmaking anyway.

    Also, its going to make it really hard for people to make a name for themselves as a pubstar as a stepping stone to becoming a pro.


      i dont understand any of this new mmr, how does it work?

      Story Time

        the new calibration will work as seasonal calibration that we had with compendiums! It is so logical, just think about it. They have tested it exactly to introduce the new system.

        What have we learned about previous calibrations? That you have to play 40 games and your seasonal mmr was +/- 15% relative to your main MMR. This is exactly what gonna be the new system. Valve not gonna rush and make smth out of blue new. They use their data and testing for drastical changes like this.

        PS YOu are idiots


          No they don't. They read Reddit and make whatever proposed changes have gotten the most upvotes.


            They even mentioned that new calibration starts from ur current mmr.
            International one was based on ur unranked mmr and was capped at 5k.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              ^ This

              The seasons are mainly to punish those who do not play ranked after reaching certain amount. It's to keep people's mmr recent if they play only a little.

              They are not gonna put 6k players with 4k players during the calibration. And as for the medals, they're just a visual representation of your mmr.

              Bill Cutting

                What about those that don’t have ranked in their region?

                Still no ranked or just going to calibrate your unranked again?