General Discussion

General Discussionbetter teammates after patch? back to dota

better teammates after patch? back to dota in General Discussion

    I was like 4.5k 2 years ago but on one red days, I am thinking to stop after one win... but... in 2 days 15 lose streak... few games in a row with intentional feeding teammates... after that, like in few months, I was constantly sit between 3.8k and 4.2k, but, don't know why, I just keep losing to 3.2k, meet teammates that keep fighting, losing or winning, lose fights, turn advantages to disadvantages, I ask them to farm but they keep just fighting. and i rage quit due to inability to solo carry the games. Now i tries few games after 7.07, teammates are generally better, 20+ games only 1 game with teammate intentional feeding. wish i could back to 4k bracket soon :)

    mosquito net on my feet

      Trust me u dont want to go up here(4k), its a shithole


        on avg there are huge differences between normal and C behaviour score.

        in C its all 5 carries, in Normal you often get first pick supports

        too bad that 3 report 6 recommends make you drop from normal to C...


          If you find yourself stuck in mmr it means that you are in your mmr range - where you belong. If you are on average better (know more things) then you will naturally climb.
          In conclusion: if u want to be higher mmr and you struggle to do so get better.