General Discussion

General DiscussionWho started the trend of the mid guy taking your rune and using his t...

Who started the trend of the mid guy taking your rune and using his tp scroll to go to mid, resulting in a 50 gold loss in the team? in General Discussion

    Let me spend my 50 gold item and 75 of my mana to steal 100 gold from my offlane and have a worse creepblock.

    Last time this happend I told the guy to go offlane and I proceeded to go mid.

    We did dual mid, he used spells to take lasthits and I killed the enemy mid twice and we lost the game after 45 minutes...

    casual gamer


      < blank >

        what is you, 4k?


          4k dog bark bark


            "Uhhh we NEED the bounty because we have the harder lane DUH"


              Don't you understand the drawbacks of doing this? It's similar to "nevermind, got duel damage".

              casual gamer

                not everyone is blessed with your 4000 neuron brain

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  agree with op actually

                  Riguma Borusu

                    It is really confusing that pros are doing that. Give 100 gold to the offlaner or take 50 for yourself? Some heroes are also really hurt by the mana cost, 75 mana at lvl 1 is no joke.

                    I find it really puzzling tbh, I think you should just get your support to block and take the rune, using the TP seems excessive.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      You cant just look at it as "tp = you lose 50 gold when you lose it" in the early game. Its not a big deal to use it unless you die. You dont always have to give the bounty rune to the midlaner, but now that pms isnt a thing anymore offlane cant really make use of that gold anyway


                        Decko ne gubi se stici ce creepwave da izblokuje

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          you lose 50 gold the moment u have to purchase a tp which is, fair enough, pretty late for 50 gold to matter that much, and u still get the full 100g boost from it, but i still think that its better to leave to rune to offlaner if theres no support blocking for u

                          if anything it is safer, the bounties are pretty easy to contest or snatch with no punishment(pretty sure the new lv1 death cost+respawn time is low enough for it to be worth to die for bounty) so u may end up with nothing, -tp, -75 mana and maybe missing health as opposed to pretty much always having a good block

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            as if 100 gold made a difference..
                            you lost because you contested the mid lane.

                            Jiren The Gray

                              only a complete dipshit doesnt understand the the first tp is not a networth advantage and the 100 gold can give a real regen advantage over enemy midlaner, obviously any pos3 who is this much of a piece of shit should just be ingnored. theres a reason mid is pos 2 and offlane pos 3


                                mid take rune, support blocks for mid. ez win


                                  there is no support in 1k


                                    And even in 4k no one blocks for you


                                      The first tp is free anyway

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        And mid wont use that TP in laning stage preferably


                                          Glupost bre, ko prvi runi njegova! :D


                                            If you get a nice enough support, you take rune while he creep blocks. If not, just let the offlaner take rune, and block your creeps mid.


                                              because the tp scroll is free
                                              it is really shit if you buy the tp, but if you win lane, and don't plan on ganking, it is a very slight advantage, and pros are constantly looking for those. Only just started happening because of the new free tp at start.


                                                Wth is this retard thread


                                                  100g on midlaner or offlaner? I don't understand why this is a thread.


                                                    I agree with op.
                                                    I think getting a better block than enemy mid is way better than taking 100g from your offlaner.
                                                    The only reason I'd take the rune is if i really needed that early salve


                                                      ^ u can stil block ok with rune and no tp to tower
                                                      Or u can just ask suport or roam to block for u


                                                        mid player being more and more egoistic for fuck sake, just when I think 2 tangos 1 ward is already egoistic enough, now you also basically want bounty and your support to block the creep for ya? stop calling him support and call him slave instead, you play on public mmr, not in a tournament, stop being like spoiled 3 years old boss and wanting to have everything, from regen items, vision, ganking and backup, rune, and courier using provided for you in public mmr, u are playing with stranger, not with teammate you already practice with, stop being a whiny kid, all of u fucking midlaner... fuck all of you thinking even if you lose midlane, you can still comeback after jungling for 20 minutes, spoiled blamer noob midlaner is worse than a jungler


                                                          Surely 9/10 it is better for the mid-hero to take the rune?

                                                          Bearing in mind jungle is dead, I am pretty sure the spare support or roamer can creep-block the lane (unless you are contesting ofc)OR the safelane support block mid assuming the safelane carry will go uncontested at the rune? I can easily pick up the rune and the block the lane as the carry..


                                                            The starting TP is an asset, if you use it for the reason in question, you don't have it, while the other people still do.

                                                            In lower MMR, the mids like to go for rune, tp to lane and still NOT get a block. So when playing offlane, I always contest them assuming that if I get advantage, it will let me create space later, while they would waste it.

                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                              Survival of the fastest, whoever gets it first deserves it. If you're too slow to swipe a bounty from your offlaner, then maybe your team shouldn't rely on you this much to carry the game.


                                                                ^lmao, this is the advantage of dark souls' players, very fast reflexes

                                                                Chao Vritra

                                                                  mid player being more and more egoistic for fuck sake, just when I think 2 tangos 1 ward is already egoistic enough, now you also basically want bounty and your support to block the creep for ya? stop calling him support and call him slave instead, you play on public mmr, not in a tournament, stop being like spoiled 3 years old boss and wanting to have everything, from regen items, vision, ganking and backup, rune, and courier using provided for you in public mmr, u are playing with stranger, not with teammate you already practice with, stop being a whiny kid, all of u fucking midlaner... fuck all of you thinking even if you lose midlane, you can still comeback after jungling for 20 minutes, spoiled blamer noob midlaner is worse than a jungler

                                                                  *applause* former mid laner and I agree with this.

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    Gold is overrated.

                                                                    meteor hammer

                                                                      mid player being more and more egoistic for fuck sake, just when I think 2 tangos 1 ward is already egoistic enough, now you also basically want bounty and your support to block the creep for ya? stop calling him support and call him slave instead, you play on public mmr, not in a tournament, stop being like spoiled 3 years old boss and wanting to have everything, from regen items, vision, ganking and backup, rune, and courier using provided for you in public mmr, u are playing with stranger, not with teammate you already practice with, stop being a whiny kid, all of u fucking midlaner... fuck all of you thinking even if you lose midlane, you can still comeback after jungling for 20 minutes, spoiled blamer noob midlaner is worse than a jungle

                                                                      This is the kind of shit I expect to see on reddit with a cm avatar and 12037 upvotes

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        rubick mk flairs are the worst cms are usually more or less alright

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          sf/ta flairs are 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
                                                                          and tinker flairs are some edgy retards

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                          meteor hammer

                                                                            Had a silencer tell me he’s good but his 2k team holds him back, he can’t win supporting because “every other game is 4v5” ROFL

                                                                            why even bother flaming him when he’s gonna accidentally flame himself


                                                                              who? me

                                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                                on reddit


                                                                                  whichever lane you are in take the rune. fuc all the others

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    what now bounty rune fangays??? SoBayed