General Discussion

General DiscussionYour best and worst heroes ( In terms of win %)

Your best and worst heroes ( In terms of win %) in General Discussion

    What's your best and worst heroes that you play? Not in terms of kills but the outcome of the game. With heroes that you played a significant amount of games with at least 30 or so

    My best heroes are:

    ```Silencer - 84 games with winning 59%

    ```AA - 39 games with winning 69%

    ```Jugg - 38 games with winning 65%

    My worst:

    ```Kunkka - 33 games with a shit 36% wr ( I used to spam him mid and go core, I got lots of kills but late game got shitted on by real cores I quit doing that LOL)

    ```Earthshaker - 63 games with 46% wr ( this is due to going crit shaker build and getting kited late similar to what happens when I
    kunkka )

    notable mention -

    ```Sven - 18 games with 38% wr // for some reason I really suck with sven and fall way below the average win rate lol

    Anyone got a hero you play a lot with a really low win rate? I avoid these heroes and my MMR is steadily going up. If you are trying to get higher MMR take a look at your win rates per hero and avoid the ones that you are just horrible at and I'll bet that you will find yourself winning more games. :)

    зачем я начал поиск

      ^Should I consider only one account or should I analyze aggregate data from multiple smurfs?
      Should I consider skill bracket transitions or only games, where I played at "my" bracket?

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        I would assume you would benefit more from combining all your accounts, unless you have multiple personalities for each account LOL

        зачем я начал поиск

          My most successful overall hero ever was 6.88 jungling Wraith King with 64 matches, 71.88% winrate, 7.25 avg KDA, but that was when I grinded from 3k on another account and long ago.

          Nowadays, at my current bracket and in current patch, my best hero is Broodmother, for which I have 300+ games here, 150+ games on smurfs, running at 60%+ winrate average with ~74.5% winrate, 7.61 KDA avg this patch:

          My worst hero overall is Natures Prophet, whom I never got to play well and no longer want to try.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Warlock 160 games 68% omniknight 120 games 68% necro 60 games 70% abaddon 80 games 74%.

            Silencer 45 games 40%..

            死の恐怖 Haseo

              i think my best heroes is timber & anti-mage .

              nothing can beat my meepo winrate


                Lol I am glad you are not meepoing anymore definately benefits everyone XD


                  I got trash winrate with like half of the heroes lmao, but special mention goes to:

                  - Injoker for the high number of games played, 43.58% wr in 358 games
                  - Ebola spirit 'cause I keep picking him like a retard in a bracket where teamplay is unknown, 37.86% wr in 103 games
                  - Lina, can't skip this 'cause I'm seriously the worst Lina ever existed, 35.48% wr in 31 games

                  My best heroes in terms of winrate are:

                  - Centaur, I used to spam him before he got op and then stopped playing him when he became op, seems legit and smart kappa, 69.72% wr in 109 games
                  - Axe 'cause I can't not mention him, most played hero, 59.66% wr in 595 games
                  - Jakiroquai, he's the cancer I'm spamming in ranked at the moment, 58.25% wr in 103 games

                  Also I got a weird 72.22% wr on Kotl after 18 games and I can't even distinguish the spells he gets when he ulties :|

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  зачем я начал поиск

                    I tend to not play heroes I don't know how to play with rare exceptions, though.

                    meteor hammer

                      Pa on this acc best and dusa on
                      main is worst, very disappointing

                      Pa is LIT though I love that hero


                        Clockwerk 100%

                        Kunkka 0%


                          by zeus


                            Necrophos with 96.15% Winrate and 26 games


                              I had 67% for ursa out of 200 games before jungle nerf :(

                              House Window Licker

                                best 5 with 25 games or more
                                Omni 71% WR: Games 39
                                Zeus 71% WR: Games 41
                                Void 70% WR: Games 34
                                LC 68% WR games 32
                                Veno 68% WR: Games 29

                                Worst 5 with 25 games or more
                                Invoker WR 30:% Games 40
                                Storm WR 32:% Games 28
                                SD WR 33 %: Games 27
                                Ember WR%34: Games 26
                                Tinker WR%36: Games 25

                                60% of the heros i have 50% or above


                                  Medusa - 68% with 114 games (with Drow 81% in 63)
                                  Riki - 63% with 55 games
                                  Terror - 64% with 36 games
                                  Alch - 63% with 35 games

                                  Worst - Tiny - 35% with 40 games. My poor Tiny.
                                  Axe - 41% - 34 games. My poor Axe.

                                  My two favourites, crippled :(

                                  Chao Vritra

                                    63 percent wr with ursa 76 games (used to be a lot better when I actually played ursa)

                                    62 percent winrate with tide out of 40 games (have not played tide in over 2 years)

                                    59 percent with zeus

                                    all heroes i no longer play hm maybe I need to go back to them


                                      @JDF8 How do you play pa ? In comparasion to other carries,she always seems weak to me.


                                        I have the best Underlord in 4k. There I said it. No one carries the slack on their team harder than when I play this guy.

                                        My sandking sucks. I feel sorry for my team everytime I pick it.


                                          my necro winrate used to be 100%, 25 games, 26th game my internet went haywire and i had 3000 ping


                                            best SB 40ish games 70% winrate

                                            worst i guess slark
                                            7 games only 1 won lmao