General Discussion

General Discussion“Challenge accepted!” Game thread

“Challenge accepted!” Game thread in General Discussion

    I thought about this during Midas mode when I would see the bounties players get for doing crazy shit in games. in this thread you challenge a person to do a certain thing in a game, obviously it would be better if it could be easily seen like through a link to the game so there’s actuall proof. But a clip will do I guess if the challenges are that specific. Also specify if he must do in an actual game or turbo is fine. Feel free to call out anyone specific who hangs out in these forums to do your challenge. Let’s have some fun dotabuff pals

    Example: I challenge someone to go Roaming AM and build blink dagger
    -Turbo allowed
    -Win game
    -good KDA

    ^now this post can go ignored or someone can go “Challenge Accepted” and specify the challenge he will undertake and do it, or if he has already done it for some reason post a link to the game/clip or whatever.

    After completing the challenge he must state “I have completed (name)’s (name of challenge) challenge.

    Feel free to add wagers if you want or counter-challenges. Let’s see if this can add some fun into our dota lives :)


      ^Also tgat roaming AM thing is a live challenge so anyone who wants to accept can do it.


        i challenge mods to delete this thread


          I like this challenge


            I challenge someone to go rightclick carry maiden and to win with either highest hero damage or highest structure damage.


              So i can build dagon to ks and buy dagger at the end of the game


                i challenge someone to win with 0 lasthits


                  ^Sounds like every pos 6 support game ez pz :D