General Discussion

General DiscussionBrief Morphling Guide

Brief Morphling Guide in General Discussion

    So I've been playing lots of morphling recently and the hero seems pretty strong.

    First off morph is strong right now because imo he fits into most pub drafts. Most of the heroes you really want to avoid are pos 5 heroes (aa, silencer, disruptor, sd, ns in rough order of annoyingness), and as they tend to get picked early you can often establish whether it's an easy morphling game or not. His laning is kind of weak but after the changes he is not as bad as he used to be, I've won games vs aggro dual lanes this patch that would have dumpstered me before. He is great vs big disables like chrono, mag ulti etc as they tend to dump them on your head and you just morph strength and survive.

    Starting items I go 4 branch 10 tango mango, you have heaps of regen and stats with this build as well as building nicely into wand with some spare branches for eating if you need, otherwise branches are more efficient damage wise than faerie fires for morph because you can morph 1 more str to agi while keeping the same hp. Get morph lvl 1 and morph down to 1 str, don't be a coward, although you have low hp if you play right you should be able to make it to lvl 2 without dying. The low hp makes your right-clicks surprisingly strong which allows you to last-hit and harass while also making your tangos extremely efficient.

    Skill build max wave and morph, skip ulti until literally everything else is maxed (including your talents and your adaptive). Ulti is garbage 95% of the time I barely use it except for memeing with ally pudge hook/tomb. Talents take +10 agi, attack in wave, double wave charge.

    You want to rush treads+wand+aquila ASAP, this secures your lane basically and allows you to pressure the tower. If you absolutely have to pick up a casual ring of health but generally I skip it and rely on my tangos for regen. Start pressuring your tower early as you build towards a fast dlance. You should be sitting on extremely low hp and with the amount of damage you do you can often kill/harass the offlaner out of lane. Don't be afraid to dive towers once you have a few levels in morph, you are basically unkillable early game barring massive overextension.

    After treads lance I tend to head towards linkens unless I need other stuff really badly, such as diffu blade vs dusa or pike vs riki. After treads lance linkens you are the strongest hero on the map, you can make insane dives and if you don't get forced to morph strength your nuke combo does 750+ damage while you right click for 150. I tend to push really aggressively on enemy side of the map, you will force rotations or take towers, once you are setup in the enemy jungle with good vision you can take fights as needed or just choke them out of map control.

    Lategame if there are multiple people who die to eblade with no easy way to counter or there are heroes who combo with it like zeus pick it up, vs silences go manta (vs silencer you want manta ASAP, possibly before linkens depending on game flow). Skadi/pike upgrade if you want as well. Get aegis and go win, morph falls off in ultra late now with no replicate and spirit vessel really gimps you so be careful of that item.


      My problem with morph is I keep skilling the incorrect skill because his w is now his w and e xdd
      Good write though, however, enigma is still a deadly counter to morph as well

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        Just change your hotkeys, don't understand why people are complaining about that change, literally the first thing I did.


          Why is 10 agility better that waveform range ? Great overall guide.


            Personally had difficulty against the euls requiem combo
            Can u morph in tornado and I'm retarded?
            I didn't usually build linkens

            Anyway I had this aids game against a dual lane lich mirana with little to no help, and I still did ok in the early game, however I encounter this problem where I feel like I can't go in and fight without being forced to just morph strength and go back after having done nothing

            死の恐怖 Haseo

              thoughts on casual morbid after treads?

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                but then u need another key for his str shotgun
                its also a problem with troll, first game i played after patch i misused 90% of my skills and the game after i skilled axes instead of fervor twice


                  I don't get it
                  How is it that difficult
                  Like it takes maybe 2 games to get used to it
                  Jesus all I see on Reddit is whining abt hotkeys


                    my only concern is, can you first pick morph.


                      I don't get why they had to ruin this hero, his ult was fine and they just made it ultra garbage.

                      casual gamer

                        imo his ult is good, usually u just stay in it only long enough to cast 3 spells and turn back though

                        plenty of repel/scorched earth/healing sprites type spells, or basic targeted disables that are easily worth a skill point



                          I think aa, undying and any sorts of silence still ruins this hero so I feel no. I have a friend who spams this currently and sometimes he got rekt pretty hard.

                          On topic.

                          Its safe to say morph is more buffed in going as a right click build compared to before but I'm still waiting for the day his ult becoming more relevant in the game. As of now I still find it rather gimmicky. Good guide sir.


                            In the end, get good with morph now so when icefrog buffs him you’ll be ready

                            casual gamer

                              hes good now

                              white boy summer

                                hes gonna get nerfed for sure. he rolled dreamhack games


                                  Lone druid needs to be nerfed

                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                    I have a terrorblade teammate in my last game as morph and replicating him during tower seige is very funny.

                                    2 metamorph and conjure image = armageddon.

                                    Not to mention both of us has slightly the same item (Dragon Lance, Butterfly, and Skaadi)


                                      u beat undying as morph
                                      u turn into him, u cast tombstone decay, maybe the nuke/heal, then go back to morph


                                        I meant the laning phase. Decay kind of screws him over lel.


                                          i mean its not like he can kill u


                                            Nobody tries to dive and kill you in 2k raj


                                              ^ says mr high skill morph abuser

                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                Why take the Atk in Wave talent?
                                                Is it for farming waves faster? Or for fights?
                                                30 atk speed for 1.5 BAT feels really good for DPS ratting towers

                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                  The problem with matching undying against him is that you sacrifice alot of farm by giving it to a hero that really scales independent of farm, he is much better used as a 4, or even 5

                                                  Unless you go dual/tri off


                                                    Pretty sure you never play morph if you say the 30 attack speed talent is compareable to waveform attack target. Also i think circlet double branch salve tango and a mango is a viable starting item as it give the same stats as your starting item build and the only difference is cirlet builds into aquila and salve instead of extra tango


                                                      i mean just get eul scepter against silence - you heard it here first bojs


                                                        Who buys euls on morph for silence. The item is obviously lotus


                                                          it is in herald tier


                                                            Get branch to protect yourself and teammate from silences


                                                              10 agi is better because waveform is a binary skill, either it gets you far enough away to escape or it doesn't, added range barely helps in this regard. Wave hit is better than 30 attack speed if you ever play the hero more than once, it's actually insane you just wave over people and they take wave damage+your normal right clicks in wave+extra right click in wave.

                                                              I need to start using the replicate more often, my biggest issue is that in other forms you can get chain stunned and die whereas in morphling form you can just hit d.

                                                              I will try circ+2 branch+mango+tango+salve, I find it hard to justify a salve on morph because your hp pool is so low that you rarely get full use of it but saving 100g sounds decent.

                                                              Casual mask is just garbage, get a casual ring of hp instead, it builds into linkens which is basically a core item.

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                                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                If it's for clearing creep waves, then I can agree it is worth more.
                                                                I do understand Morphling often finds it difficult to right click in fights. But that's just one extra hit, a few more if you can wave multiple heroes.
                                                                30 atk spd can just make you hit more times when waving and when not waving, make your split push a lot more threatening to towers.

                                                                Both are probably equally good, I think. Depending on what style of Morph you opt for.


                                                                  1 hit more on EVERYONE you wave when you hit for 200 and already are a bursty hero is gigantic, it's not even a contest if you apply some critical thinking/play the hero. Dotabuff gives it a 4.1% winrate advantage which is pretty massive as well. Clearing waves is just gravy.

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    How abt Midas maelstrom bloodstone to get that lvl 15 waveform talent and farm?

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      With the wave hit talent u can hit 3 times in less than a second + ur burst combo, it’s pretty stupid