General Discussion

General Discussionstarting to spam

starting to spam in General Discussion


    guys, what carry heroes are can easily dominate in early stage of the game and can carry late game? free to suggest please :)


      Zues With veil you can carry the game start to end


        Play Brood right and there wont be a late game

        Bad Intentions

          Spam your highest KDA hero!


            Account buyer confirmed


              terrorblade with lots of last hits


                mid medusa, very easy


                  Ancient 2
                  46.52% WIN RATE



                    it's funny how these bitches judge me, btw i'm a midlaner player and i only playing 3-5 heroes at mid. i just posted this because i decide to learn and play safelane carries and that's what i'm talking about. lmao this low skilled players talking like they know me. i just come here to take a suggest not to talking with these shitty trash players. ok bye!

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      Rubick mid is strong af
                      Same for Clockwerk


                        Damn, I spam WK. He has only one weakness - bad teammates. He can't farm, he can't split push, he has to fight after 12 mins of the game. He is really strong on the lane and there's no one who really counters him. AM pick vs WK it's always auto win.

                        I'm looking to spam terrorblade, bone fletcher and mb some luna. These are really strong carries and they can push/fight really early as well as win late games.


                          take tier 1 at 10 minutes, snowball from there, end at like 25-30 if you're lucky and have a good team


                            To be able to spam a carry, he has to be first pick viable. For me this patch it is jugg. Not a completely shit laner and decent all stages of the game.

                            Not too many strong counters

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                              Juggernaut, Chaos Knight and Dragon Knight are generally safe picks. To be able to spam a hero, you need to pick first (if you are going to pick them no matter what, just do it and let your more sensible allies do the counter-picking). They can go safe or offlane (highly against Jugg solo offlane, though). They have strong laning, decent mid game and can carry into the very late game, assuming you have gotten the items you need. They don't get heavily countered by anyone and the ones that have strong winrate against them (Slark and Timbersaw) are rather out of the meta at the moment.

                              As for Terrorblade, I hardly see anyone playing him recently. And yet, everybody is saying how broken he is. So, I have no idea.