General Discussion

General DiscussionSide Shop changes anti-fun

Side Shop changes anti-fun in General Discussion

    Anyone else hating these side shop changes? Like why even put a side shop if there is nothing there. Really all you can buy is treads, arcanes, and tp scroll. Combine with burst removal from courier and there is just so much demand for the courier it is ridiculous.


      They changed it so players can use cour wisely. You can still buy most of the needed stuff there so don't complain :D


        dejavu i see something like this somewhere.


          ultra annoying


            Yeah I keep trying to buy phase boots or perseverance and keep getting fucked lol

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              i can see why they did it and its probably for the best but nervertheless im mega butthurt about the change
              the one i dislike the most is sage mask - soul ring is already not purchasable from sideshop so all it does is preventing u from getting basi/aquila for no reason at all because its nowhere near pms/phase/sr/oov level of imapct

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                the only one i dislike is fucking orb of venom. literally no one buys this item now.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  soul ring doesnt require mask anymore anyway

                  yung griphook

                    yeah they need to remove the side shop completely

                    casual gamer

                      they should let u buy a whole drums from the side shop

                      not the components, just the whole thing


                        Yes a full divine coming straight from the side shop(no joke)


                          Ya it’s a pain I have been using kunkka x marks the spot to buy all my items now since nothing in side shop .


                            Oh yea the thing that is really weird is OOV. Really puzzling when I couldn't buy it there


                              I don't understand why u can't buy phase there


                                I hate the changes to the side shop. As if bottle crowding in mid wasn't bad enough. This only means more courier journeys. I play Dragon Knight a lot and the previous patch making it impossible to finish Soul Ring from side shop items really frustrates me.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  Oov is so good from the side shop tho
                                  I agree abt the sages mask and phase, those shud still be completable
                                  Taking away perseverance, MoM, etc is fine with me but I just want my basi